Matthew 9:20-22 Meaning & Commentary: How Close is Close Enough


Lord’s Library contributor Lonetta Key wrote this concise commentary offering a Matthew 9:20-22 meaning. How close is close enough? Check out Lonetta’s blog: Living Before God’s Face. Lord’s Library’s Ministry Leaders Series is a collection of contributed articles written by ministry leaders on key Christian topics.

Ministry Leaders Series BadgeWe turn our attention to Matthew 9:20-22: “And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.” We will rely on Mark’s additional description in chapter 5 for context.

The disruption that triggered Jesus’ delay in getting to Jairus’ daughter in time to prevent her death, was brought on by a very sick lady. The Bible describes a situation that some today can relate to. For 12 years she (we do not know her name) had been going to doctor after doctor seeking a cure for a flow of blood—a hemorrhage. No one was able to help her. So not only was the poor woman still suffering but she had grown worse. And in addition, she had spent all her money in the process.

The Gospel

Matthew 9:20-22 Meaning

As if all this was not bad enough, by Jewish law she was considered “unclean” and anyone coming in contact with her was also contaminated.  So this poor woman could not socialize or even go to worship at a synagogue. She was basically homebound—sequestered. As a result, she was taking a real risk mingling with a Jewish crowd.

Mark 5:28 gives us inside information revealing why she was willing to hazard that danger: “For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.” Now this was not information received by word of mouth but it was her faith and that alone that generated her resolve, her single-mindedness, her resoluteness.

Despite all odds she was going to accomplish her mission—to get close enough so if she stretched her arm as far as she could it would be possible to brush her hand across Jesus’ clothing. She was on a quest and she did the required work—she struggled through the crowd to get close enough to Jesus to touch Him. And immediately at that touch, the flow of blood was extinguished.

Now the disciples were incredulous when they heard Jesus ask: “Who touched my clothes?” Their response was basically that it could have been a number of people touching Him at one time. There was a huge crowd on every side of the Master. Ah but Jesus knew this touch was different. It was distinguished from the rest of the crowd because it had a purpose—it was marked by determination—it was ignited by belief that could not be daunted.

And in Mark 5: 34 Jesus verifies it was her faith that healed her: “And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.”

As we contemplate this narrative what questions might we ask:

  • How much effort am I exerting to touch Jesus?
  • What level of importance do I place on getting that close to Him?
  • Or am I satisfied to stand on the periphery of the crowd, fearful of exposing myself by getting too intimately involved?

This courageous lady was at her wit’s end —at the end of her rope—without hope. And then she touched the Master and in return received His healing. Jesus is available to us today in the very same way. Oh, my dear friend if only we had the same fearlessness—the same daring—the same heart-throbbing desire as she, to do whatever it takes to reach out and touch the Lord.

Precious reader just right now reach out. Can you feel the texture of His garment? Can you feel Him healing you?

I am closing with this most appropriate quote I read the other day: “When you are hanging on by a thread, make sure it is the hem of His garment.” Until we sit down together for our next visit, continue living before God’s face.

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Lonetta Key
Lonetta Key

Lonetta Key

Lonetta's father was a Pastor so she grew up in church and become a Christian at a very early age. She has been active in Christ's ministry all her life in a variety of venues like keynote speaking for churches, woman's ministry, Sunday School teacher, and more. Lonetta also toured the US giving Gospel concerts for two years, and posts regularly to her Christian website. She has two wonderful sons and two lovely grandsons.

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