Resisting God’s Grace


Lord’s Library contributor Kevin Smith

Jared Helms offers views from a branch on the vice of broadness, inspired by Matthew 7:13. Check out Jared’s YouTube channel and two blogs: A Light in the Darkness and Blind Faith Examples, or send him a reader response email. Lord’s Library’s Ministry Leaders Series is a collection of contributed articles written by ministry leaders on key Christian topics.

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Why do we lose our joy? Does it ever seem like your peace flees from you? Do you feel like your faith vanishes as soon as tribulation comes? It is human to suffer, to feel like you are never good enough. For some, it’s not sorrow that consumes them, but a need to rise and fight. For some people, it’s a melancholy that always comes back.

We all enter times of tribulation. It can happen when we decide to step forward in our service to God or just part of everyday life. The devil attacks us, God may test us. When it comes, it comes quickly. From the first day, it can begin to make our days evaporate. Tribulation makes everything harder. It makes the normal difficult, the joyful things of life sad. It makes the stable, unstable.

The things of God and living for Him become a chore. Everything can change at a moment’s notice, The impact of tribulation on our spiritual lives is tremendous; we begin to doubt, to be afraid, to argue, to fret. Things that were once strong, become weak. We begin to hear old voices and old thoughts. “I’m a broken person, God can’t use me,” “I’m not good enough.” We begin to resist God’s grace. There comes a time when we face a choice; to pray or to quit, to either curse God or cry out, to walk the narrow path or stumble to the broad way.

The Gospel

The Vice of Broadness

You don’t have to feel sorrow. See John 16:24: “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” You don’t have to fight on your own. See Exodus 14:14: “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”

Do you thirst for things that are righteous? See Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Christ Himself thirsted as He was dying for you at Calvary because all righteousness was about to be fulfilled. There is a necessity of works following salvation. I would go as far as to call it a command.

To not thirst for God’s righteousness is to resist His grace. What then of the power of man’s free will to use or resist grace in our lives? Does the Holy Spirit groan inside you? It’s a Necessity because grace will have its way either way, but we should choose to use the grace in our lives to stay thirsty for God. If we stay thirsty, we won’t resist God’s grace in our lives.

Don’t Turn Back to Go Forward

Now read Galatians 4:8-9: “Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?”

See that serving yourself (or preferring the things of the world) after salvation is not what God wants for you. Before Christ, you were a slave to sin and the ways of the world, blind to its control over you. But now, you know Christ, and having known Him you are free. Why would you turn back to the things that didn’t profit you? Or those that kept you from Christ.

Obedience is a Choice

Living in the way of Christ, Christian Living, the Mind of Christ, is an act of obedience. This personal choice is for His glory which can only be done because He performed the sacrifice. This sacrifice was so that we can serve Him as the Holy Spirit guides us. True Christian living, in any facet, is not possible unless one is a follower of Christ. His sacrifice made our obedience, thus our service, possible: “Once for all.”, “It is finished.” That’s the difference.

Obedience is greater than sacrifice because God can do more with you (in obedience) than you could ever do on your own. It’s recognizing the power of God in life your life, giving him your whole heart, and letting the Holy Spirit guide your life…then watch Him Go. It’s what the Christian life is all about, a greater experience and mystery than we could ever do on our own.

Don’t resist God’s grace, give him your whole heart, and hold nothing back. Do you know when tribulation begins to improve? When we quit resisting His grace, when we go into a private place of prayer, we weep and call on God for His Mercy. Things will then begin to change, then we need to seek clarity on how to move forward. We receive it when we pray whether it be alone, with friends, corporately at church, or together as husband and wife. Don’t resist the grace that’s in your life.

An old-time evangelist once said: “Once you get the victory, you need to keep victory.” There is no need to have sorrow and no need to fight, no need for your own works because the Lord your God will fight for you. He will strengthen you and He will never leave you.

The Solution

Don’t Resist

See 2 Corinthians 12:9-11: ”

Be Bold

See Hebrews 4:16: ”

Have the Mind of Christ

See 1 Corinthians 2:16: ”

Wear the Armor of God

See Ephesians 6:10-18: ”

Daily Repentance & Confession of Sin

See 1 John 1:9 and James 4:8:

  • 1 John 1:9:
  • James 4:8:

Be in Him

See 2 Timothy 2:1-2: ”

Christ is in You

See Colossians 1:27: ”

Seek Those Things That are Higher, Nobler

See Colossians 3:1-25: ”

Stay Thirsty

See Isaiah 44:3: ”

Follow the Pattern

See 1 Chronicles 28:12: ”

We should strive to not resist the grace of God in our lives. Especially from those who care enough to tell us the truth, our spouses, our pastors, etc. Knowing that all things have been accomplished, do you resist His grace in your life? The war we fight inside ourselves is the war of Religion versus Grace. It’s the war of the self vs selflessness. Your mind is the battleground. We are to serve Christ, we to preach Christ; crucified and risen from the grave. Why would you continue to follow the things that put him on the cross? You are free to resist the grace of God in your life, but why would you?

Read Revelation 22:17 and consider our discussion. Let us not resist the grace of God in our lives. Let the word of God have the last word, as you read and pray over Roman’s 8 12-15.

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Kevin Smith
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Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith is a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ, husband, father of three and a construction safety professional. He was born again in 2015, joined Naples Independent Baptist Church in October 2020 and was called to Preach in November 2022. He resides in Naples Florida where he serves God at his church.

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