The Parables of Jesus Christ are important representative Bible teachings that are utilized by Christ. A parable is different from a story as it is purposely set up to illustrate a particular spiritual truth in a way that’s highly relatable to its listener, hence the use of the story to drive home a point. The Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines a parable as “A fable or allegorical relation or representation of something real in life or nature, from which a moral is drawn for instruction.” They are typically simple narratives with prominent actions demonstrated and their consequences on full display. They often show how living in a certain way can lead to certain outcomes, either good or bad, with the intention of motivating the listener to live a godly life. In the Greek New Testament, the word parable is παραβολή (parabolē), literally “throwing” (bolē) “alongside” (para-), by extension meaning “comparison, illustration, or analogy.” This definition highlights how a parable would serve as an allegorical story to teach an important lesson in a straightforward way.
It’s in this spirit that our editors compiled this list of the best books on the Parables of Jesus Christ right now. These titles are the most popular currently available on the topic, written by noted Christian thinkers. If you want to know all about the Parables of Jesus Christ and their meanings, consider one of the titles below.
Note: We only included the best books on the Parables of Jesus Christ with a 4-star or better ranking and a minimum of 175 reviews.
The Best Books on the Parables of Jesus Christ
Most Popular: What Do Jesus’ Parables Mean? (Crucial Questions)
Author/Publisher: R.C. Sproul
From the publisher: “In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul walks through eleven of Jesus’ parables and the rich lessons they carry for us today. Dr. Sproul also explains how parables worked to clarify Jesus’ message for some—and to conceal it from others. The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.”
Top-Rated: Parables of Jesus: 39 Stories Jesus Told
Author/Publisher: Benjamin Galan
From the publisher: “This simple 14-page full-color pamphlet is a perfect introduction to the parables of Jesus. All 39 of these “earthly stories with heavenly meanings” are explained: the Prodigal Son, the Good Samaritan, the Lost Sheep, the Mustard Seed, the Talents, and more. An excellent way to focus on God’s purposes in the world. Includes tips for studying parables for Bible Study groups. The physical version unfolds to 38 inches and at 5.5″ x 8.5″ it fits inside most Bible covers.”
Popular Audiobook: Parables: The Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Revealed Through Stories Jesus Told
Author/Publisher: John MacArthur
From the publisher: “Pastor-teacher John MacArthur helps listeners understand Jesus’ parables and how they relate to the whole of his message. Master expositor and Bible commentator John MacArthur has spent a lifetime explaining the word of God in clear and comprehensible terms. In Parables, he helps Christians understand the essential lessons contained in the most famous and influential short stories the world has ever known.”
Popular Systemic Categorization: The Parables of Jesus
Author/Publisher: James Montgomery Boice
From the publisher: “In each section Boice brings Jesus’ words to bear on life today. Through his careful study and clear explanation of each parable—born from a sermon series he preached at the Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, where he pastored for 32 years—he helps us understand just what Jesus meant, and how our hearts and lives ought to respond.”
Popular for Understanding Christ: The Parables: Understanding What Jesus Meant
Author/Publisher: Gary Inrig
From the publisher: “Join Gary Inrig at the feet of Jesus and experience His parables as though for the first time. In The Parables, you’ll feel as though you can smell the odors of Jewish villages, feel the dust of Galilean roads, and hear the voice of the Savior putting you into His stories. You’ll be encouraged by what you learn about yourself and God.”
Popular Guide: Stories with Intent: A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus
Author/Publisher: Klyne Snodgrass
From the publisher: “Klyne Snodgrass explores in vivid detail the historical context in which these stories were told, the part they played in Jesus’ overall message, and the ways in which they have been interpreted in the church and the academy. This tenth anniversary edition includes a substantial new chapter that surveys developments in the interpretation of parables since the book’s original 2008 publication.”
Popular Comprehensive Guide: Parables Workbook: The Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Revealed Through the Stories Jesus Told
Author/Publisher: John MacArthur
From the publisher: “In the Parables Workbook, master expositor and Bible commentator John MacArthur draws on his years spent studying and explaining the Word of God to guide readers through some of the most famous and influential short stories that Jesus told. This workbook has been designed to enhance readers’ experience of reading the book and is intended both for individual use and for study in a small-group setting.”
Popular for Small Groups: Fascinating Bible Studies on Every Parable: For Personal or Small Group Use
Author/Publisher: William Marty
From the publisher: “Each study includes a summary of the parable, the Scripture reference where it can be found, information on the historical and cultural setting, and key points. At the end of each study are questions that open the door to discussion, reflection, or further investigation and help you get to the heart of the parable. A wonderful tool for small groups or to add variety to your personal devotions.”
Popular for Children: Favorite Parables from the Bible: Stories Jesus Told
Author/Publisher: John MacArthur
From the publisher: “His stories helped people see new things and to understand God’s love in new ways. Superbly retold and delightfully illustrated by Nick Butterworth and Nick Inkpen, this collection of eight Biblical parables invites young children to experience the simplicity, humor, and inspiration of Jesus’ artful storytelling.”
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