Lord’s Library editors compiled this list of the best Christian news sources and websites to consider for reporting on current events.
The best Christian news sources and websites deliver accurate reporting on current events. Reading articles from faith-based outlets is part of a healthy Christian living routine and a great way to stay up-to-date to the happenings of the world without sacrificing Biblical principles, and can make it easier for one to stand firm on their religious beliefs. In the same way, engaging with Christian news media can provide piece of mind that you and the publisher share a common worldview. This can be a major plus, as the best Christian news sources may offer a reprieve for followers of Jesus that have a strong mistrust of modern, secular news as well.
It’s with these factors in mind that our editors decided to assemble this list of the best Christian news sources and websites to consider checking out. The Christian-based media outlets and news sites listed in this resource have a legitimate or established presence in the field over a period of time. We decided to only include news sites and not individual Christian influencers in this space. And while we can’t vouch for the accuracy of stories published on any of these platforms and recommend you use discretion when reading anything on the internet, these are the best Christian news sources the web currently has to offer.
Note: The best Christian news sources and websites are listed in alphabetical order.
The Best Christian News Sources
American Faith
“Grounded in a love of country, a passion for freedom and a heart of faith”
American Faith is a nonprofit news media network that provides breaking news and analysis on current events. The site’s tag line is: “Grounded in a love of country, a passion for freedom and a heart of faith.” The site’s mission is to advance the cause of truth and freedom. They also believe that news must be impartial if it’s is to add value to society. American Faith was founded by Bible prophecy expert Phil Hotsenpiller.
Baptist News Global
Baptist News Global is a reader-supported, independent news organization providing original and curated news, opinion, and analysis about matters of faith. They cover the people, events and ideas that are shaping American religion and culture, and do so from a perspective that is Baptist in heritage and ecumenical in spirit. Baptist News Global relies upon contributions from individuals and churches for 90 percent of its annual budget.
Baptist Press
“Great Commission News for a Great Commission People”
Baptist Press (BP) is the official news service of the Southern Baptist Convention and is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. The outlet provides regular news releases about Southern Baptists, serving as the Convention’s press representative, and coordinating news operations for annual meetings of the Southern Baptist Convention. Baptist Press also provides news service to state Baptist papers. The service was originally formed at the suggestion of the editors of the state convention newspapers in 1946. Since then, it has grown into the largest religious news service in the United States.
Baptist Standard
“Baptist voices speaking to the challenges of today’s world.”
Baptist Standard is an independent, nonprofit media organization specializing in news, features, opinion and resources for Baptists in Texas through partnerships with churches, institutions and individuals associated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Their publications provide information relevant to the growth and welfare of Baptist people and support ministries conducted by Texas Baptists.
Catholic Culture
“We give faithful Catholics the information, encouragement, and perspective they need to become an active force for renewal in the Church and in society.”
The mission of Catholic Culture is to give faithful Catholics the information, encouragement, and perspective they need to become an active force for renewal in the Church and in society, working to shape an authentically Christian culture in a secular world. Catholic Culture is run by a non-profit corporation called Trinity Communications. The board and officers of Trinity Communications are Catholic laymen faithful to the Magisterium of the Church.
Catholic News Agency
“News and resources on the Catholic Church, from Catholic journalists.”
A service of EWTN News, Inc., Catholic News Agency provides free, up-to-the-minute news affecting the Universal Church, giving particular emphasis to the words of the Holy Father and happenings of the Holy See, to any person with access to the internet. Though its focus is spread throughout the world, CNA closely covers the Catholic Church in the United States and news related to the creation of a culture of life.
Christian Broadcasting Network
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN News) is an international, nonprofit news organization that provides programming 24 hours a day by cable, satellite and the Internet. CBN News offers today’s news headlines and stories that impact the global Christian community.
Christian Headlines
“Your source for the latest Christian news and religion news headlines from the United States and the world.”
Christian Headlines is offered by a group of Christian writers and editors who are dedicated to creating a well-rounded look at what’s happening across the globe from a Christian worldview. Their vision is to inform and inspire productive discussion about the current events and online trends that shape lives, churches and the world. The site includes blog posts about current events and Christian media, breaking news, feature articles, and guest commentaries, many written by respected Christian thinkers.
Christian News Journal
“Christian News Journal is North America’s leading source of Christian news.”
The Christian News Journal (CNJ) is a faith-based news website that carries news and feature articles with a concentration on current events, socio-political issues, religious persecution, and entertainment. Launched in 2014, CNJ has been recognized three times by the Evangelical Press Association for the Award of Excellence and received first place among Christian news websites in North America.
The Christian Post
“An online Christian news publication with the latest headlines relevant to Christians”
The Christian Post was launched in 2004 to deliver up-to-date mews, information, and commentaries relevant to Christians across denominational lines. The website presents national and international coverage of current events affecting and involving Christian leaders, church bodies, ministries, mission agencies, schools, businesses, and the general Christian public. The Christian Post has been awarded for its website, reporting, news, article stories, and cartoons.
Christian Today
“Christian Today is the UK’s largest online Christian news provider, with the latest in-depth reports.”
Christian Today is an independent media company that was established in 2004. The outlet’s aim is to bring the whole Church together to help Christians of different denominations and groupings learn from one another. Christian Today features a range of voices, views and opinions, and produces daily news, comment and analysis on the global church and religious affairs.
ChurchLeaders is dedicated to resourcing, informing, and connecting the broader community of church leaders for greater Kingdom impact worldwide. On ChurchLeaders, you’ll find interesting articles from today’s leading voices in the church, fresh ideas, current news, free resources, and a growing leader community, all geared toward helping you lead better.
Crux Now
“Crux carries news, features, and community content about the Catholic Church and Catholicism”
Crux offers what it calls “the very best in smart, wired, and independent” coverage of the Vatican and the Catholic Church. Crux aims to be an objective voice, offering the best news and analysis from journalists with decades of experience on the Vatican and religious beat. Crux was founded as a project of The Boston Globe in 2014.
Episcopal News Service
“The official news service of The Episcopal Church.”
Episcopal News Service (ENS) offers in-depth reporting of local, regional, national and international news for Episcopalians and others interested in the church’s mission and ministry. Episcopal News Service is the official news source of the Episcopal Church.
Eternity News
“Expand your horizon to see how God is working throughout Australia and beyond, for His glory.”
Eternity News is published by Bible Society Australia. It is a national news service for Australian Christians aimed at uniting Christians, sharing in their witness, and encouraging them by revealing what God is doing. Eternity News offers a weekly catch-up email and monthly digital edition of its newspaper, and is delivered free to churches, schools, colleges, universities, bookshops, cafes and organizations on request.
Evangelical Focus
“A bridge in Europe between evangelicals and all of society”
Evangelical Focus is a news website with a Christian perspective on current issues in Europe to help build bridges between evangelical churches and all of society. In addition to the core team, dozens of contributors make Evangelical Focus a plural and open media platform. The publication is available in multiple languages and covers a variety of on-trend topics like culture, science, and technology.
Evangelical Times
“UK Reformed Evangelical Christian news publication online and in print.”
Evangelical Times is a Christian publishing company and charitable trust committed to the dissemination of Biblical Christianity throughout the world, particularly through its hard copy and online English language newspapers. The media outlet also aims to impart a biblical world view to enable Christians to live and witness effectively for Christ and to promote their compassionate action for all humankind in a fallen and suffering world.
Independent Catholic News
“Independent Catholic News is the first online news service featuring daily news, saints, reviews and reflections for the Catholic Church.”
Independent Catholic News’s aim is to provide speedy and accurate news coverage of all subjects of interest to Catholics and the wider Christian community. Their website also features a Saint of the Day, Sunday Reflection, Listings Section, Classified Ads, Prayer Requests, and Links pages.
“Educating and empowering donors to Christian ministries”
MinistryWatch profiles public charities, church, and parachurch ministries. It is a great place to learn how to be a responsible giver and identifies and highlights organizations that are above board and running efficiently. Readers can also browse various news sections on ministry, philanthropy, culture, and education. MinistryWatch provides Shining Lights and Donor Alerts as well.
National Catholic Register
“Catholic news of the day as seen through the eyes of the Magisterium.”
A service of EWTN News, Inc., National Catholic Register’s mission is to provide a perspective on the news of the day as seen through the eyes of the Magisterium. They assist Catholics in engaging the culture with confidence in the saving and sanctifying Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Register is read by tens of thousands of active lay Catholics along with over 800 priests, 160 bishops, 40 archbishops and 30 Vatican officials.
National Catholic Reporter
“Bringing you independent reporting on the Catholic church and justice issues since 1964.”
National Catholic Reporter is a significant alternative Catholic voice that provides avenues for expression of diverse perspectives, promoting tolerance and respect for differing ideas. NCR is a religious news source with worldly interests, and though a large amount of its reporting deals with issues of the Catholic church, an equal amount of its coverage is a marriage of the religious, political, and social forces shaping public policies, and institutions.
New Oxford Review
“The New Oxford Review is an orthodox Catholic magazine that explores ideas concerning faith & culture.”
The New Oxford Review is an orthodox Catholic magazine that explores ideas concerning faith and culture. They publish 10 issues a year under the patronage of St. Vincent Pallotti in print and online. The outlet was founded in 1977 as an Anglo-Catholic magazine in the Anglican tradition, taking its name from the 19th-century Oxford Movement.
Orthodox Christianity
“Orthodox news, feasts, saints, and Christian encouragement in today’s world”
Orthodox Christian is an Orthodox news site offering up-to-date information for a variety of topics like theology, spiritual instruction, church history, education, and a number of different culture concerns. The site also features a photo gallery and calendar. Orthodox Christian does a great job of posting timely articles about on-trend issues and current events as well.
New Advent
“Founded in 1995, New Advent is one of the oldest and largest Catholic websites on the Internet.”
From the conservative Roman Catholic New Advent organization, New Advent includes English translations of the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas, several Bible translations, numerous writings of the Church Fathers and New Testament Apocrypha, as well as large numbers of official documents of the Roman Catholic Church, and links to a variety of other Catholic-related websites.
News for Christians
“News For Christians is a news digest, pulling links from all over the web.”
News for Christians provides a news aggregate for Christians. The publication enables church leaders to stay up-to-date on current events in relation to prophecy. Readers can also find helpful Bible studies and classic sermons from the past, as well as a collection of featured articles and a directory of online Christian news and resource websites.
Orthodox Times
“Orthodox Times is an independent news portal covering issues related to Orthodoxy.”
Orthodox Times covers issues related to Orthodoxy and the Christian world, as well as the main international news. Far from one-dimensional approaches, Orthodox Times‘ goal is to keep track of current news and to host opinions by promoting freedom of the press and focusing on the ever-sensitive field of religious belief. The Portal is owned by World Digital Media and was firstly introduced officially in January 2019.
Premier Christian News
“Quality news from a Christian perspective.”
Premier exists to enable people to put their Faith at the heart of daily life and bring Christ to their communities. They support people on their faith journey and help them put their faith into action by providing spiritual nourishment and resources. With an audience of more than one million people every week across the different media platforms, Premier represents a Christian voice in the UK.
The Catholic Weekly
“Australia’s national Catholic newspaper”
The Catholic Weekly is proudly Catholic, proudly counter-cultural, and proudly in favor of life. They strive to share their vision of the Church, the Lord, and the life-changing possibilities of the Christian path with their readers, providing a degree of Catholic News clarity for complex times. The Catholic Weekly was first published in 1945.
The Christian Chronicle
“An international newspaper for Churches of Christ”
Founded in 1943, The Christian Chronicle is a newspaper committed to the highest standards of journalistic excellence and seeks to inform, inspire and unite Churches of Christ worldwide. The Christian Chronicle is not a teaching or doctrinal publication but a newspaper with news and opinion content in sections clearly labeled.
The Gospel Herald
“The Gospel Herald is the leading online non-denominational Christian news provider, with the latest in-depth reports. Updated daily.”
The Gospel Herald is an online Christian news media outlet that provides daily breaking news reports on topics dealing with Christian communities, current events, and all other subject fields, including world news, church, religion, politics, entertainment, sports, technology, science, business, health, and more. The outlet touts itself as evangelical and trans-denominational and even offers an edition in Chinese. In the midst of immensely secularized teachings of the gospel, Gospel Herald partakes in delivering only the veracity of the words of Jesus Christ.
“TruNews is the world’s leading news source that reports, analyzes, and comments on global events and trends with a conservative, Orthodox Christian worldview.”
TruNews’ vision is to build a global news network that provides a credible source for world news, events, and trends while giving respect and honor to Christians of all major denominations — Evangelical, Orthodox, Anglican, Catholic, and Protestant. They believe Christians need and deserve their own global news network to keep the worldwide Church informed, and to offer Christians a positive alternative to the anti–Christian bigotry of the mainstream news media.
“Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth”
Published by God’s World Publications, WORLD offers news from the perspective of Christian evangelical Protestantism. WORLD is known best for its biweekly news magazine which features both US and international news, cultural analysis, editorials and commentary, as well as book, music and movie reviews. The publication was launched in 1986 by Joel Belz.
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