Evangelism is a term used to describe a Christian who spreads The Gospel of Jesus Christ to others, especially non-believers. Evangelizing requires strong faith, a great deal of courage, and conviction in the promise of God’s Word. It is made easier and more effective with evangelism courses and online training, as well as specialized resources and tools like evangelism tracts. The internet has helped to democratize Biblical evangelism through the use of social media and virtual communication mediums (think Zoom) as well.
With this in mind, the editors at Lord’s Library assembled this list of the best evangelism books to add to your reading list. The one that is right for you will largely depend on your level of Biblical study, how much experience you have in witnessing and evangelism already, and whether you are interested in reading for intellectual purposes or plan to begin evangelizing straight away. Each listing includes author and publisher information, some basic facts about the title, and links to any alternative versions that may be available.
Note: We only included the best evangelism books with a 4-star or better ranking and a minimum of 150 reviews. We ranked them according to different buyer motivations like most popular, top-rated, and best value. We also included a Best of the Rest section with additional titles listed below.
The Best Evangelism Books
Best Value: The Master Plan of Evangelism
Author/Publisher: Robert Coleman
From the publisher: “For more than forty years this classic study has shown Christians how to minister to the people God brings into their lives. Instead of drawing on the latest popular fad or the newest selling technique, Dr. Robert E. Coleman looks to the Bible to find the answer to the question: What was Christ’s strategy for evangelism? This convenient, portable format has an updated look for a new generation of readers.”
Most Popular: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
Author/Publisher: J.I. Packer
From the publisher: “J. I. Packer shows in this new edition to the popular IVP Classics how both of these attitudes are false. In a careful review of the biblical evidence, he shows how a right understanding of God’s sovereignty is not so much a barrier to evangelism as an incentive and powerful support for it. With over 100,000 copies in print, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God is truly a classic that should be read by every Christian.”
Overall Top-Rated: Evangelism by Fire
Author/Publisher: Reinhard Bonnke
From the publisher: “Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke has led millions of people into a life-transforming encounter with God. In Evangelism by Fire he lays out the principles necessary for effective evangelism, showing how God operates through anyone who is willing to follow His plan. Filled with biblical principles, prophetic messages, and personal examples, Evangelism by Fire will inspire you to bring the focus of your life and ministry back to the Great Commission.”
Top-Rated Study Course: The School of Biblical Evangelism: 101 Lessons
Author/Publisher: Ray Comfort
From the publisher: “Discover the God-given evangelistic tools that will enable you to confidently talk about your Lord and Savior. With 101 lessons, this course will help you to prove the authenticity of the bible, provide ample evidence for creation, understand the beliefs of cults and other religions, and learn how to reach both friends and strangers with the Gospel. Tremendous witnessing tool for individuals and for church evangelism classes.”
Most Popular Resource Guide: Evangelism in a Skeptical World
Author/Publisher: Sam Chan
From the publisher: “Evangelism in a Skeptical World is a textbook on evangelism that is ideal for the church or the classroom to equip Christians with the principles and skills they need to tell the unbelievable news about Jesus to friends in a skeptical world. Field-tested and filled with unique, fresh, and creative insights, this book will equip you to share the gospel in today’s world and help as many people as possible hear the good news about Jesus.”
Most Popular Audiobook: Questioning Evangelism: Engaging People’s Hearts the Way Jesus Did
Author/Publisher: Randy Newman
From the publisher: “Following Christ’s lead, Randy Newman has been using a questioning style of evangelism for decades. In this provocative book, he provides practical insights to help Christians engage others in meaningful spiritual conversations. He challenges us to examine how we think about people, their questions, and our crucial message. This second edition includes a new preface reflecting on the popularity of this perennial bestseller and what its success has taught Newman about the effectiveness of this extraordinary method.”
Top-Rated Audiobook: Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus
Author/Publisher: Audiobook
From the publisher: “Every few years, churches jump into the latest evangelistic fad. Leaders administrate the new program, and members go on a raid. But picture a church where evangelism is simply part of the culture. Leaders share their faith consistently and openly. Members follow, encouraging one another to make evangelism an ongoing way of life. Such is the way of evangelism presented by this brief and compelling book. No program here. Instead, it just might give your church a new way to live and share the gospel together.”
The Best Evangelism Books – Best of the Rest
Power Evangelism
Author/Publisher: John Wimber
From the publisher: “This revised and updated edition describes the releasing of God’s power through signs and wonders to refresh, renew, heal, and equip His people. Drawing from the teaching of the New Testament and with illustrations from his own experience, Vineyard leader John Wimber persuades the reader to “yield control of our lives to the Holy Spirit.” Though Wimber died in 1997, his teaching continues to spread throughout the Vineyard movement, through the broader renewal movement, and to Christians across the globe, even those who do not consider themselves charismatic.”
Evangelism as Exiles: Life on Mission as Strangers in our Own Land
Author/Publisher: Elliot Clark
From the publisher: “No matter your social location or set of experiences, the biblical letter of 1 Peter wants to redefine your expectations and reinvigorate your hope. Drawing on years of ministry in a Muslim-majority nation, Elliot Clark guides us through Peter’s letter with striking insights for today. Whether we’re in positions of power or weakness, influence or marginalization, all of us are called to live and witness as exiles in a world that’s not our home. This is our job description. This is our mission. This is our opportunity.”
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