The 5 Best Geneva Bibles to Consider for 2024


Lord’s Library editors profile the best Geneva Bibles for effective comparison in an attempt to save you time.

The Geneva Bible holds significance in the history of different Bible translations. First published in 1560, it was the primary Bible of the Protestant Reformation and is renowned for its accuracy and extensive marginal notes. These features make it a valuable resource for in-depth study, providing readers with both the literal Word of God and contextual guidance rooted in Reformed thought. For Christians who seek a return to Scriptural authority, the Geneva Bible offers clarity and a strong doctrinal foundation.

The Geneva Bible also played a pivotal role in shaping early American religious life, being the Bible brought over by the Pilgrims on the Mayflower. Its translation predates the King James Version, and many consider it more faithful to the original texts. Notably, it was the first English Bible to include verse numbers, making it easier for readers to reference Scripture for study and memorization.

The marginal notes, written by prominent Reformation leaders such as John Calvin and others, provide insights that reflect the fundamental Christian emphasis on Sola Scriptura—the belief that Scripture alone is the highest authority. For those seeking a Bible that blends historical significance with doctrinal depth, the Geneva Bible remains a must-have resource.

Note: We only included the best Geneva Bibles with a 4.5 stars or better ranking and a minimum of 100 reviews.

The Gospel

The Best Geneva Bibles

The Geneva Bible: The Bible of the Protestant Reformation

Author/Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

Material: Hardcover

From the publisher: The Geneva Bible was a monumental achievement in the history of Protestant Bible translation. Born in a time of religious and political upheaval it helped foster Scripture literacy among the common people of England and offered for the first time “study resources” to make the Bible easier to understand.”

1599 Geneva Bible (Black Bonded Leather Edition)

Author/Publisher: The Reformers

Material: Leather

From the publisher: “Tolle Lege Press’ version of the 1599 Geneva Bible has been painstakingly re-typeset and proofread to produce a clean, crisp, modern version that is absolutely identical in all substance to the Bible the Pilgrims carried on the Mayflower. Tolle Lege Press believes this prodigious effort was worthwhile because a readable, relevant version of the Geneva Bible is vitally important to America today so we can both understand our Christian roots and build upon that heritage for the future.”

1599 Geneva Bible: Patriot’s Edition

Author/Publisher: Reformers

Material: Hardcover

From the publisher: “The Geneva Bible is unique among all other Bibles. It was the first Bible to use chapters and numbered verses and became the most popular version of its time because of the extensive marginal notes. These more than 300,000 notes were included to explain and interpret the scriptures for the common people.”

The Geneva Bible (Including the Marginal Notes of the Reformers)

Author/Publisher: E.C. Marsh

Material: Kindle

From the publisher: “The Geneva Bible is one of the most historically significant translations of the Bible into the English language, preceding the King James translation by 51 years. It was the primary Bible of the 16th century Protestant movement.”

1599 Geneva Bible

Author/Publisher: Tolle Lege Press

Material: Kindle

From the publisher: “We’re pleased to announce the re-release of the Geneva Bible in a superior quality genuine leather binding edition that features word-for-word accuracy with the 1599 Geneva Bible; original cross references; original study notes by Reformers; genuine leather; modern spelling; and easy to read print.”

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Timothy Andrew
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Timothy Andrew

Timothy Andrew

Tim is the Founder of Lord's Library. He believes the Bible commands us to minister "as of the ability which God giveth" (1 Peter 4:11). Tim aspires to be as The Lord's mouth by "taking forth the precious from the vile" (Jeremiah 15:19) and witnessing The Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15: 1-4) to the whole world.

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