Study Bibles are special editions of the Bible written specifically for students of the Bible. Study Bibles provide scholarly information designed to give the reader context and a more complete understanding of God’s Word. Scholarly information can come in several forms, from annotations that explain complex passages, articles, and biographies of key characters, illustrations and other visuals, and more.
With this in mind, the editors at Lord’s Library have compiled this list of the best King James study Bibles to consider. The one that is right for you will largely depend upon which features are most important. Each listing includes author and publisher information, some basic facts about the version, and links to any alternative versions that may be available.
Note: We only included the best King James study Bibles with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 250 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
The Best King James Study Bibles
KJV Study Bible, Large Print, Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter: Second Edition
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- Thousands of study notes
- In-text maps and charts
- 11-point large type for comfort reading
From the publisher: “The second edition of Thomas Nelson’s King James Study Bible stands apart from all others on the market. Its extensive commentary, articles, and study aids were developed exclusively for the time-honored King James Version with original content created by reliably and respected conservative scholars dedicated to preserving the inerrant Word of God. Featuring large print for readability and comfort, a new enhanced concordance, revised in-text maps and charts, and a bonded leather exterior, the King James Study Bible will be a treasured study companion for years to come.”
KJV, The King James Study Bible, Leathersoft, Burgundy, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition: Holy Bible, King James Version
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- 10-point easy-to-read large type
- Center-column references with translation notes
- Full-color pages, maps, images, and charts
From the publisher: “The King James Study Bible, Full-Color Edition is the most complete and comprehensive KJV study Bible available. Comprehensive book introductions, doctrinal articles, study notes, commentaries, personality profiles, word studies, and archaeological insights will help you experience the riches of God’s Word. The full-color design, Holy Land images, classic works of art, charts, and maps further enhance your Bible reading experience. With all these features, plus special subject indexes, Christ’s words in red, and an extensive concordance, no other KJV Bible offers more to students of the Holy Bible.”
The Old Scofield Study Bible, KJV, Classic Edition
Author/Publisher: Oxford University Press
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- Book introductions and outlines
- Subject chain reference system
- Comprehensive indexes
From the publisher: “This easy-to-carry Bonded Leather edition of the renowned Old Scofield Study Bible offers a wealth of study materials at a fantastic price. Featuring a traditional type setting cherished by many long-time Scofield readers as well as a protective two-piece box which commemorates the 100th anniversary of the publication, the Classic Edition, whose notes date from 1917, is the best cross-reference study Bible ever published. Among its many features are book introductions and outlines, unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes, chronologies, a concordance and authoritative, full color Oxford Bible Maps.”
KJV Life Application Study Bible, Second Edition (Red Letter, Bonded Leather, Black, Indexed)
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- Life Application notes that help explain God’s Word
- Personality profiles of over 100 Bible characters
- Thumbnail maps
From the publisher: “The Life Application Study Bible is today’s #1 selling study Bible because it helps people see how the Scriptures are relevant to today’s issues. This edition of the Life Application Study Bible lets you enjoy the best-selling Life Application features with the time-honored King James Version. Book introductions provide vital statistics, overview, and timeline to help readers understand the message of each book, and 260 charts help explain difficult concepts and relationships.”
KJV Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 15,000 study notes
- 40-page concordance
- Glossary of the 17th-century expressions relative to the KJV’s phrasing
From the publisher: “The KJV Study Bible honors the beauty and majesty of the KJV by presenting the ONLY full-color King James Version study Bible available. All of the features and tools are designed to help you understand the Bible and be transformed by it. Our hope is that you will use this study Bible for women and men to deepen your walk with God who has graciously revealed Himself in the Bible. Whether you’re looking for a Christian devotional Bible, a great resource for your Bible studies or a study Bible for women, men or students, KJV Bibles by Holman help you deepen your relationship with God.”
The KJV Study Bible (King James Bible)
Author/Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 5,000 contemporary notes
- Color maps
- Dictionary/concordance
From the publisher: “More than 5,000 contemporary notes will help you understand the King James Version, still among the most beloved and trusted translations available. With color maps, a dictionary/concordance, and the words of Christ in red, The KJV Study Bible is an excellent resource for personal study, whether you’re already a fan of the translation or you’ve been reading more modern Bible versions.”
KJV, The King James Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Thumb Indexed, Red Letter, Full-Collor Edition: Holy Bible, King James Version
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Time-tested study aids developed exclusively for the King James version
- Doctrinal notes
- Archaeological insights
From the publisher: “Standing apart from all other KJV study Bibles on the market, the King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is the only Bible featuring extensive commentary, doctrinal notes, archaeological insights, and time-tested study aids developed exclusively for the King James Version. Now available with stunning full-color designs, Holy Land images, classic works of art, charts, and maps, the King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition guides you through the vivid beauty and authority of God’s Word as you grow in your biblical knowledge.”
The KJV Study Bible – Large Print [Violet Floret] (King James Bible)
Author/Publisher: Christopher D. Hudson
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Introductions for each Bible book
- Color maps of Biblical lands
- Dictionary/concordance of key Bible names and terms
From the publisher: “Since the 400th anniversary of the King James Version in 2011, Barbour’s KJV Study Bible has brought the venerable translation into a 21st century context. Those insights are now available in a true large-print edition! With more than 6,000 notes from the Layman’s Bible Commentary series, this study Bible also features introductions for each Bible book, color maps of biblical lands, a dictionary/concordance of key Bible names and terms, and the words of Christ in red. If you prefer a more readable Bible typeface, you’ll love the Large Print KJV Study Bible.”
KJV Everyday Study Bible, Black LeatherTouch
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Articles from leading Bible scholars
- 99 “Essential Truths” of the Christian faith
- 30 Bible character profiles
From the publisher: “The KJV Everyday Study Bible is an accessible and easy-to-carry King James Version study Bible featuring concise study notes crafted from the award-winning Holman Study Bible, as well as features and foundational study helps to help Christians grow in their faith. The King James Study Bible for men and women is a convenient size can be easily carried in a backpack, large purse, or briefcase to equip readers with a “go-anywhere” study Bible that will foster everyday engagement and practical application of God’s Word.”
Henry Morris KJV Study Bible, The – The King James Version Apologetic Study Bible with over 10,000 comprehensive study notes
Author/Publisher: Dr. Henry Morris
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Apologetic introductions to Old and New Testaments
- Introductory commentary to each book of the KJV Bible
- 10,000 study notes
From the publisher: “The Henry Morris KJV Study Bible is an invaluable apologetic Bible study tool for the defense of the Christian faith, including biblical creationism, that highlights the foundational truths of Genesis found in all the other 65 books of the KJV Bible. The comprehensive apologetic study bible notes provide answers to questions related to doctrinal issues, as well as scientific matters, such as geology, earth history, astronomy, biology, and other sciences.”
Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible: King James Version
Author/Publisher: Dr. Spiros Zodhiates
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Wider margins on pages of the Bible text
- New word studies
- Red letter edition of the King James authorized version
From the publisher: “There are times when a Greek or Hebrew word has a distinct meaning that seriously affects the proper interpretation of Scripture. Unless you are familiar with these languages, you will not be able to determine what word in the original text was used or the differences between these words until now. The Hebrew-Greek Key Word® Study Bible identifies the keywords of the original languages and presents clear, precise explanations of their meaning and usage. Those who love God’s Word will treasure this Bible, for it contains a whole library of biblical helps within its covers.”
Original African Heritage Study Bible-KJV
Author/Publisher: Cain Hope Felder
Material: Leather bound
Key Features:
- Highlighted verses about Africa and Biblical characters of African descent
- 48 pages of reference to African/Edenic persons
- Art reproductions taken from the Mafa tribe collection of Cameroon
From the publisher: “The purpose of The Original African Heritage Study Bible is to interpret the Bible as it relates specifically to persons of African descent and thereby to foster an appreciation of the multiculturalism inherent in the Bible. Readers will also appreciate the large print format, critical introductions to each book of the Bible, and the words of Christ printed in red.”
The KJV Cross Reference Study Bible Women’s Edition Indexed [Floral Berry]
Author/Publisher: Barbour Staff, Christopher D. Hudson
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Full-color topical study and devotional content for women
- Center-column cross-references
- Character profiles
From the publisher: “Barbour’s KJV Study Bible has informed and inspired more than 350,000 readers since its initial release. Now The KJV Cross Reference Study Bible is even better with an exciting women’s edition! This Bible includes many additional features on top of all the study helps you love: 6,500 study notes, individual book introductions, words of Christ in red, a dictionary/concordance, and full-color maps. Plus The KJV Cross Reference Study Bible—Women’s Edition includes many additional study features.”
Holman Rainbow Study Bible: KJV Edition, Hardcover
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Color maps with index
- Bible reading calendar
- Concordance
From the publisher: “The Holman Rainbow Study Bible: KJV Edition has a unique color-coding system that allows readers to identify quickly and easily twelve major themes of Scripture throughout the text: God, discipleship, love, faith, sin, evil, salvation, family, outreach, commandments, history, and prophecy. The system also underlines all words directly spoken b God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Other features of this Bible include 12 pages of color maps with index, a Bible reading calendar, concordance, subject guide, Table of Weights and Measures, “Know What God Says,” and “100 Popular Passages.”
KJV Chronological Life Application Study Bible (Hardcover)
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 10 chronological sections
- Section introductions and timelines
- Archaeological notes and photographs
From the publisher: “The stunning full-color Chronological Life Application Study Bible is a refreshing way to experience God’s Story and a trusted way to apply it to life. Journey through the 10 eras of Bible history in a chronological Bible experience and gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Includes Life Application notes and features from the best-selling Life Application Study Bible as well as new features on Bible history and geography. The Bible is arranged in 10 chronological sections that help the reader to see how the various pieces of the Bible fit together.”
The KJV Study Bible – Indexed (King James Bible)
Author/Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- 6,500 notes
- 20 cut-in tabs
- Subject headings throughout
From the publisher: “For a full-featured study Bible, look no further than Barbour’s KJV Study Bible—with 6,500 notes, a dictionary/concordance, maps, and now thumb indexing! Featuring 20 cut-in tabs, this indexed edition makes finding Bible books quick and easy. Also including individual book introductions, subject headings throughout, and the words of Christ in red, the KJV Study Bible is an excellent resource for personal study or Sunday school and small group preparation—for those who are already fans of the translation or others who’ve been reading more modern Bible versions.”
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