Study Bibles are special editions of the Bible written specifically for students of the Bible. Study Bibles provide scholarly information designed to give the reader context and a more complete understanding of God’s Word. Scholarly information can come in several forms, from annotations that explain complex passages, articles, and biographies of key characters, illustrations and other visuals, and more. Remember that study Bibles take on several approaches, some of which are based on which of the different Christian denominations the publisher comes from. Beyond that, study Bibles can focus on specific areas of Christian life like love and marriage, friendship, and professional life. Modern writing of study Bibles is done by scholars, theologians, and those who want to share a more advanced understanding of Scripture, oftentimes in partnership with a publisher. Our editors encourage the use of a study Bible for those new to the faith. If you are not interested in taking on the study of comparative information that is contained in a study Bible then you would probably be better off starting with buying a Bible dictionary. There are many well-known study Bibles and to say one is the best study Bible over another is mainly subjective as they do not all stem from the same translation. They all offer different features as well: The best study Bibles offer a number of different features you’ll want to consider as you evaluate your options: There are a few things you should keep in mind when picking a study Bible, and time should be given to each consideration. First, one needs to know which of the different Bible versions they’d like to study from. There are several options in that regard, from the word-for-word translations to more expressive ones. Next, you can take your specific denomination into account as there are study Bible titles dedicated to each doctrine. A few more notes on selecting the best study Bible before we list the top titles by translation:Study Bible Key Features
Which is the Best Study Bible for You?
The Best Study Bibles by Translation
The Best King James Version Study Bible
Note: We only included the best King James study Bibles with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 250 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
KJV Study Bible, Large Print, Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter: Second Edition
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- Thousands of study notes
- In-text maps and charts
- 11-point large type for comfort reading
From the publisher: “The second edition of Thomas Nelson’s King James Study Bible stands apart from all others on the market. Its extensive commentary, articles, and study aids were developed exclusively for the time-honored King James Version with original content created by reliably and respected conservative scholars dedicated to preserving the inerrant Word of God. Featuring large print for readability and comfort, a new enhanced concordance, revised in-text maps and charts, and a bonded leather exterior, the King James Study Bible will be a treasured study companion for years to come.”
KJV, The King James Study Bible, Leathersoft, Burgundy, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition: Holy Bible, King James Version
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- 10-point easy-to-read large type
- Center-column references with translation notes
- Full-color pages, maps, images and charts
From the publisher: “The King James Study Bible, Full-Color Edition is the most complete and comprehensive KJV study Bible available. Comprehensive book introductions, doctrinal articles, study notes, commentaries, personality profiles, word studies, and archaeological insights will help you experience the riches of God’s Word. The full-color design, Holy Land images, classic works of art, charts, and maps further enhance your Bible reading experience. With all these features, plus special subject indexes, Christ’s words in red, and an extensive concordance, no other KJV Bible offers more to students of the Holy Bible.”
The Old Scofield Study Bible, KJV, Classic Edition
Author/Publisher: Oxford University Press
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- Book introductions and outlines
- Subject chain reference system
- Comprehensive indexes
From the publisher: “This easy-to-carry Bonded Leather edition of the renowned Old Scofield Study Bible offers a wealth of study materials at a fantastic price. Featuring a traditional type setting cherished by many long-time Scofield readers as well as a protective two-piece box which commemorates the 100th anniversary of the publication, the Classic Edition, whose notes date from 1917, is the best cross-reference study Bible ever published. Among its many features are book introductions and outlines, unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes, chronologies, a concordance and authoritative, full color Oxford Bible Maps.”
KJV Life Application Study Bible, Second Edition (Red Letter, Bonded Leather, Black, Indexed)
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- Life Application notes that help explain God’s Word
- Personality profiles of over 100 Bible characters
- Thumbnail maps
From the publisher: “The Life Application Study Bible is today’s #1 selling study Bible because it helps people see how the Scriptures are relevant to today’s issues. This edition of the Life Application Study Bible lets you enjoy the best-selling Life Application features with the time-honored King James Version. Book introductions provide vital statistics, overview, and timeline to help readers understand the message of each book, and 260 charts help explain difficult concepts and relationships.”
KJV Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 15,000 study notes
- 40-page concordance
- Glossary of the 17th-century expressions relative to the KJV’s phrasing
From the publisher: “The KJV Study Bible honors the beauty and majesty of the KJV by presenting the ONLY full-color King James Version study Bible available. All of the features and tools are designed to help you understand the Bible and be transformed by it. Our hope is that you will use this study Bible for women and men to deepen your walk with God who has graciously revealed Himself in the Bible. Whether you’re looking for a Christian devotional Bible, a great resource for your Bible studies or a study Bible for women, men or students, KJV Bibles by Holman help you deepen your relationship with God.”
The KJV Study Bible (King James Bible)
Author/Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 5,000 contemporary notes
- Color maps
- Dictionary/concordance
From the publisher: “More than 5,000 contemporary notes will help you understand the King James Version, still among the most beloved and trusted translations available. With color maps, a dictionary/concordance, and the words of Christ in red, The KJV Study Bible is an excellent resource for personal study, whether you’re already a fan of the translation or you’ve been reading more modern Bible versions.”
KJV, The King James Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Thumb Indexed, Red Letter, Full-Collor Edition: Holy Bible, King James Version
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Time-tested study aids developed exclusively for the King James version
- Doctrinal notes
- Archaeological insights
From the publisher: “Standing apart from all other KJV study Bibles on the market, the King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition is the only Bible featuring extensive commentary, doctrinal notes, archaeological insights, and time-tested study aids developed exclusively for the King James Version. Now available with stunning full-color designs, Holy Land images, classic works of art, charts, and maps, the King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition guides you through the vivid beauty and authority of God’s Word as you grow in your biblical knowledge.”
The KJV Study Bible – Large Print [Violet Floret] (King James Bible)
Author/Publisher: Christopher D. Hudson
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Introductions for each Bible book
- Color maps of Biblical lands
- Dictionary/concordance of key Bible names and terms
From the publisher: “Since the 400th anniversary of the King James Version in 2011, Barbour’s KJV Study Bible has brought the venerable translation into a 21st century context. Those insights are now available in a true large-print edition! With more than 6,000 notes from the Layman’s Bible Commentary series, this study Bible also features introductions for each Bible book, color maps of biblical lands, a dictionary/concordance of key Bible names and terms, and the words of Christ in red. If you prefer a more readable Bible typeface, you’ll love the Large Print KJV Study Bible.”
KJV Everyday Study Bible, Black LeatherTouch
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Articles from leading Bible scholars
- 99 “Essential Truths” of the Christian faith
- 30 Bible character profiles
From the publisher: “The KJV Everyday Study Bible is an accessible and easy-to-carry King James Version study Bible featuring concise study notes crafted from the award-winning Holman Study Bible, as well as features and foundational study helps to help Christians grow in their faith. The King James Study Bible for men and women is a convenient size can be easily carried in a backpack, large purse, or briefcase to equip readers with a “go-anywhere” study Bible that will foster everyday engagement and practical application of God’s Word.”
Henry Morris KJV Study Bible, The – The King James Version Apologetic Study Bible with over 10,000 comprehensive study notes
Author/Publisher: Dr. Henry Morris
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Apologetic introductions to Old and New Testaments
- Introductory commentary to each book of the KJV Bible
- 10,000 study notes
From the publisher: “The Henry Morris KJV Study Bible is an invaluable apologetic Bible study tool for the defense of the Christian faith, including biblical creationism, that highlights the foundational truths of Genesis found in all the other 65 books of the KJV Bible. The comprehensive apologetic study bible notes provide answers to questions related to doctrinal issues, as well as scientific matters, such as geology, earth history, astronomy, biology, and other sciences.”
Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible: King James Version
Author/Publisher: Dr. Spiros Zodhiates
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Wider margins on pages of the Bible text
- New word studies
- Red letter edition of the King James authorized version
From the publisher: “There are times when a Greek or Hebrew word has a distinct meaning that seriously affects the proper interpretation of Scripture. Unless you are familiar with these languages, you will not be able to determine what word in the original text was used or the differences between these words until now. The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible identifies the keywords of the original languages and presents clear, precise explanations of their meaning and usage. Those who love God’s Word will treasure this Bible, for it contains a whole library of biblical helps within its covers.”
Original African Heritage Study Bible-KJV
Author/Publisher: Cain Hope Felder
Material: Leather bound
Key Features:
- Highlighted verses about Africa and Biblical characters of African descent
- 48 pages of reference to African/Edenic persons
- Art reproductions taken from the Mafa tribe collection of Cameroon
From the publisher: “The purpose of The Original African Heritage Study Bible is to interpret the Bible as it relates specifically to persons of African descent and thereby to foster an appreciation of the multiculturalism inherent in the Bible. Readers will also appreciate the large print format, critical introductions to each book of the Bible, and the words of Christ printed in red.”
The KJV Cross Reference Study Bible Women’s Edition Indexed [Floral Berry]
Author/Publisher: Barbour Staff, Christopher D. Hudson
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Full-color topical study and devotional content for women
- Center-column cross-references
- Character profiles
From the publisher: “Barbour’s KJV Study Bible has informed and inspired more than 350,000 readers since its initial release. Now The KJV Cross Reference Study Bible is even better with an exciting women’s edition! This Bible includes many additional features on top of all the study helps you love: 6,500 study notes, individual book introductions, words of Christ in red, a dictionary/concordance, and full-color maps. Plus The KJV Cross Reference Study Bible—Women’s Edition includes many additional study features.”
Holman Rainbow Study Bible: KJV Edition, Hardcover
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Color maps with index
- Bible reading calendar
- Concordance
From the publisher: “The Holman Rainbow Study Bible: KJV Edition has a unique color-coding system that allows readers to identify quickly and easily twelve major themes of Scripture throughout the text: God, discipleship, love, faith, sin, evil, salvation, family, outreach, commandments, history, and prophecy. The system also underlines all words directly spoken b God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Other features of this Bible include 12 pages of color maps with index, a Bible reading calendar, concordance, subject guide, Table of Weights and Measures, “Know What God Says,” and “100 Popular Passages.”
KJV Chronological Life Application Study Bible (Hardcover)
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 10 chronological sections
- Section introductions and timelines
- Archaeological notes and photographs
From the publisher: “The stunning full-color Chronological Life Application Study Bible is a refreshing way to experience God’s Story and a trusted way to apply it to life. Journey through the 10 eras of Bible history in a chronological Bible experience and gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Includes Life Application notes and features from the best-selling Life Application Study Bible as well as new features on Bible history and geography. The Bible is arranged in 10 chronological sections that help the reader to see how the various pieces of the Bible fit together.”
The KJV Study Bible – Indexed (King James Bible)
Author/Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- 6,500 notes
- 20 cut-in tabs
- Subject headings throughout
From the publisher: “For a full-featured study Bible, look no further than Barbour’s KJV Study Bible—with 6,500 notes, a dictionary/concordance, maps, and now thumb indexing! Featuring 20 cut-in tabs, this indexed edition makes finding Bible books quick and easy. Also including individual book introductions, subject headings throughout, and the words of Christ in red, the KJV Study Bible is an excellent resource for personal study or Sunday school and small group preparation—for those who are already fans of the translation or others who’ve been reading more modern Bible versions.”
The Best New King James Version Study Bibles
Note: We only included the best New King James study Bibles with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 250 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
The Jeremiah Study Bible, NKJV: Jacketed Hardcover: What It Says. What It Means. What It Means For You.
Author/Publisher: Dr. David Jeremiah
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Unique introductions to each book of the Bible
- 10,000 individual study notes
- Hundreds of enriching sidebars with word studies
- Historical insights and geographical and archaeological information
From the publisher: “Drawn from more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah, one of America’s leading Bible teachers, has produced a deeply personal and comprehensive study Bible packed with features specifically focused to help you discover what Scripture says, what Scripture means and, most importantly, what Scripture means for you. The Jeremiah Study Bible presents the best of biblical insight and study tools along with clear, practical application to bring about authentic transformation in your life.”
The NKJV, Woman’s Study Bible, Hardcover, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition: Receiving God’s Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Full-color design throughout
- Detailed biographical portraits of over 100 biblical women
- Thousands of verse-by-verse study notes
From the publisher: “The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the Kingdom. Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.”
The Chronological Study Bible: New King James Version
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- The entire NKJV text with translators’ notes
- Arranged in chronological order
- Full-color illustrations of places
- Daily Life Notes
From the publisher: “The Bible that allows you to study Scripture in the order of events as they happened. The Chronological Study Bible presents the text of the New King James Version in chronological order – the order in which the events actually happened – with notes, articles, and full-color graphics that connect the reader to the history and culture of Bible times. It is the only NKJV study Bible arranged in chronological order.”
NKJV Study Bible, Hardcover, Burgundy, Full-Color, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God’s Word
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 15,000 verse-by-verse study notes
- Bible times and culture notes
- Extensive cross-reference system.
From the publisher: “With more than 2 million copies sold, it’s no secret that the NKJV Study Bible is a reliable guide for your journey into God’s Word. This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study, including thousands of notes, articles, extensive cross-references, and features contributed by top evangelical scholars. These multilayered study tools, combined with the accuracy and clarity of the New King James Version, make this Bible a perfect choice to help you understand and deeply engage with Scripture.”
The NKJV, McArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition, Premium Goatskin Leather, Brown, Premier Collection, Comfort Print: Unleashing God’s Truth One Verse at a Time
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Nearly 25,000 verse-by-verse study notes
- 190 in-text maps, charts, and diagrams that illustrate meanings and themes
- Outline of Systematic Theology.
From the publisher: “Over 2 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of God’s Word expanded by The MacArthur Study Bible. Drawing on more than fifty years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unparalleled commitment to interpretive precision–with the goal of making God known through His Word.”
The Best New American Standard Study Bibles
Note: We only included the best NASB study Bibles (New American Standard Bible) with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 200 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
The New Inductive Study Bible (NASB)
Author/Publisher: Precept Ministries International
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Individualized overviews and study instructions
- 23 pages of full-color charts
- A one-year Bible reading plan
From the publisher: “Every feature of the Gold Medallion-winning New Inductive Study Bible is designed to help you gain a more intimate understanding of God and His Word. You’ll be guided through the inductive study approach with the help of tools and questions that will enable you to make the most of the spiritual riches offered in Scripture. Letting God’s Word speak for itself is the best way to experience its life-transforming power.”
NASB Giant Print Reference Bible
Author/Publisher: The Lockman Foundation
Material: Leather bound
Key Features: 125-page concordance, more than 20,000 study notes, index to key Bible doctrines
From the publisher: “A classic resource, The MacArthur Study Bible is perfect for serious study. Dr. John MacArthur has collected his pastoral and scholarly work of more than 35 years to create the most comprehensive study Bible available. No other study Bible does such a thorough job of explaining the historical context, unfolding the meaning of the text, and making it practical for your life.”
Life Application Study Bible, NASB
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 10,000 in-text application notes
- Over 100 character profiles
- 16 pages of full-color maps
From the publisher: “One of today’s bestselling study Bibles, the NASB Life Application Study Bible has over 10,000 application notes to help you understand the message of Scripture and apply it to your life in practical ways. Verse-by-verse commentary sheds light on the stories and and teachings of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Learn from the stories of major Bible characters by exploring their strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments, and mistakes. Hear and respond to the truths of Scripture through overviews, outlines, and time lines and the beginning of each book, and grasp difficult concepts using in-text maps, charts and diagrams.
The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible: NASB-77 Edition
Author/Publisher: Dr. Spiros Zodhiates
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Wide margins on pages of the Bible text
- Keywords in the Biblical text
- Red letter edition of the 1977 NASB Bible
From the publisher: “There are times when a Greek or Hebrew word has a distinct meaning that seriously affects the proper interpretation of Scripture. Unless you are familiar with these languages, you will not be able to determine what word in the original text was used or the differences between these words-until now. The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible identifies the key words of the original languages and presents clear, precise explanations of their meaning and usage. Those who love God’s Word will treasure this Bible, for it contains a whole library of biblical helps within its covers.”
NASB Side-Column Reference Wide Margin Bible
Author/Publisher: The Lockman Foundation
Material: Calfskin leather
Key Features:
- 1,856 pages with intentionally thin paper
- 1995 updated edition
- Wide margins
From the publisher: “New paper trim size is 6 1/2 x 9 1/4 inches providing a 1 inch outside margin for notes. The NASB is a smooth reading literal English Bible translation, which provides increased clarity and readability for greater understanding while maintaining superior accuracy to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The NASB Side-column Reference Bible offers a single-column of large print text for smooth reading across the page and is a great addition for study, note taking, and daily reading.”
NASB, MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition, Comfort Print
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Nearly 25,000 verse-by-verse study notes
- 190 in-text maps, charts and diagrams
- An outline of systematic theology
From the publisher: “Over 2 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of God’s Word expanded by The MacArthur Study Bible. Drawing on more than fifty years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unparalleled commitment to interpretive precision—with the goal of making God known through His Word.”
The MacArthur Study Bible, New American Standard Version
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- 125-page concordance
- More than 20,000 study notes
- Index to key Bible doctrines
From the publisher: “A classic resource, The MacArthur Study Bible is perfect for serious study. Dr. John MacArthur has collected his pastoral and scholarly work of more than 35 years to create the most comprehensive study Bible available. No other study Bible does such a thorough job of explaining the historical context, unfolding the meaning of the text, and making it practical for your life.”
NASB Zondervan Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 20,000 in-text notes
- Center-column reference system
- Book introductions and outlines
From the publisher: “The Zondervan NASB Study Bible combines the widely respected, word-for-word New American Study Bible (NASB) with study tools that represent the best in conservative scholarship. Over 20,000 notes, adapted from the bestselling NIV Zondervan Study Bible, draw on the knowledge of today’s leading experts to provide valuable commentary right where you need it. No need to flip pages to obtain important insights on biblical words, verses, and passages. An exclusive, center-column reference system guides your study with over 100,000 references. In-text maps give you an instant feel for biblical geography.”
The Ryrie NAS Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Charles C. Ryrie
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- Detailed sections for broad biblical comprehension
- In-text graphics including maps, charts, timelines, and diagrams
- Extensive cross-references
From the publisher: “Charles Ryrie’s life work was to help people know and understand the Bible—a pursuit that encompassed church ministry, college professorships, and, most notably, his position as the Systematic Theology Chair at Dallas Theological Seminary. The Ryrie Study Bible reflects this lifetime of biblical scholarship in a single, powerful work. Available in multiple translations and containing more than 10,000 of Dr. Ryrie’s explanatory notes, it is a single source for all Bible study needs.”
Classic Reference Bible, Updated NASB
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Leather bound
Key Features:
- Center-column references
- Maps and in-text charts
- Introductions and outlines for every Bible book
From the publisher: “Filled with the features that increase understanding with every use, the NASB Classic Reference Bible includes center-column references that unlock the depth of Scripture. Maps and in-text charts offer added insight while you read and the exclusive NASB concordance makes locating passages easy. This complete reference Bible uses today’s most literal word-for-word translation of the Bible text, the New American Standard Bible (1995).”
NASB, Super Giant Print Reference Bible
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Double column format
- Full NASB cross-reference system
- NASB concordance
From the publisher: “The largest print size available in the NASB. Featuring an extra-large print size, this reference Bible gives you a clear and easy reading experience of the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages. Universally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition, is now easier to read in Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print typeface.”
The Best New Revised Standard Version Study Bibles
Note: We only included the best NRSV study Bibles (New Revised Standard Version) with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 75 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha: New Revised Standard Version
Author/Publisher: Michael Coogan
Material: Paperback
Key Features:
- Introductions and extensive annotations for each book
- Introductory essays on major groups of Biblical writings
- General essays on translation, color maps, and timelines
From the publisher: “For over 50 years students, professors, clergy, and general readers have relied on The New Oxford Annotated Bible as an unparalleled authority in Study Bibles. This fifth edition of the Annotated remains the best way to study and understand the Bible at home or in the classroom. This thoroughly revised and substantially updated edition contains the best scholarship informed by recent discoveries and anchored in the solid Study Bible tradition.”
The HarperCollins Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Harold W. Attridge
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- In-depth articles
- Introductions
- Comprehensive study notes
From the publisher: “The HarperCollins Study Bible—Student Edition is the landmark general reference Bible that offers the full text of the New Revised Standard Version as well as in-depth articles, introductions, and comprehensive notes by today’s leading biblical scholars for the Society of Biblical Literature. Completely revised and updated, this edition incorporates the latest scholarship and findings as well as incorporating new diagrams, charts, and maps—25% revised or new material.”
The New Interpreter’s Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Walter Harrelson
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Extensive historical and theological annotations
- Brief introductions and outlines for each Bible book
- Commissioned maps
From the publisher: “The New Interpreter’s Study Bible brings the best of biblical scholarship to the service of the Church. In this new edition based on The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible with Apocrypha, sixty distinguished scholars have provided background and insight on the biblical text.”
NRSV Student Bible
Author/Publisher: Yancy Phillip
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Book introductions and overviews
- 3-track reading plan guidelines
- 100 people you should know about module
From the publisher: “The Student Bible’s proven, commonsense approach to studying the Scriptures appeals to high school and college readers as well as adults of every age. Its carefully researched features will help you overcome common obstacles to reading and understanding the Bible. Edited by award-winning authors Philip Yancey and Tim Stafford, this Bible enables you to understand what you read, find the topics you’re looking for, and make real progress in your studies.”
NRSV Wesley Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Joel B. Green
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- Comprehensive study notes by more than 50 Biblical scholars
- Easy-to-understand explanations of core terms by Wesley experts
- Extended reference to works by John Wesley
From the publisher: “By studying the Wesley Study Bible you will share God’s grace and find the good gifts God has for you. As God transforms you through study, you will be inspired to transform the world. Contributors from across the Wesleyan family join together to help you experience God in fresh ways.”
NRSV Thinline Reference Bible, Large Comfort Print
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Double-column format
- NRSV authorized concise glossary and concordance
- Thousands of cross-references
From the publisher: “With a new, easy-to-read typeface, the NRSV Thinline Reference Bible, Large Print, invites you to deeply explore Scripture. Expertly designed for the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) text, Comfort Print delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the foremost Bible translation vetted by Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Jewish scholars. This large print reference Bible includes thousands of cross-references, a concordance, and eight pages of full-color maps.”
The Best New International Version Study Bibles
Note: We only included the best NIV study Bibles with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 200 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
NIV Study Bible, Hardcover, Red Letter Edition
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Over 20,000 study notes with icons
- Introductions of valuable background information for each Bible book
- In-text maps, charts, and diagrams
From the publisher: “The beloved NIV Study Bible features a stunning four-color interior with full-color photographs, maps, charts, and illustrations that bring the stories of the Bible to life. The in-depth notes are coded to highlight items of special interest in the areas of character study, archaeology, and personal application. This NIV Bible provides you with just the right amount of study information, placed in just the right locations, to answer your most pressing questions about God’s Word and how it connects to your life today.”
NIV, The Woman’s Study Bible, Hardcover, Full-Color: Receiving God’s Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
Author/Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Full-color design throughout
- Thousands of verse-by-verse study notes
- Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues
From the publisher: “The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the Kingdom. Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.”
Every Man’s Bible NIV, Deluxe Heritage Edition, TuTone – Study Bible for Men with Study Notes
Author/Publisher: Stephen Arterburn
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Study notes that help men gain perspective
- Someone You Should Know profiles of men in the Bible
- What the Bible Says About articles
From the publisher: “The Bible for every battle every man faces. This study Bible addresses spiritual and life issues from a male perspective, showing that Scripture is relevant in every stage of a man’s life, from early adulthood through the retirement years. Every Man’s Bible is filled with affirming, challenging, and uplifting features that will remind men that God has a place for them in his story and a plan for their lives.”
NIV, Foundation Study Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Bible book Introductions
- Cross-reference system
- In-text subject headings
From the publisher: “The NIV Foundation Study Bible in the world’s most popular modern-English Bible translation—the New International Version—features an approachable and easy-to-use layout, with straightforward and broad study notes that help you discover the beauty and truth of God’s Word. Concise study notes provide helpful comments on passages of Scripture, while theological notes draw attention to important doctrinal content in the Bible and are indexed in the back of the Bible. Translators’ footnotes offer clarification and information about the original-language texts.”
NIV Rainbow Study Bible, Jacketed Hardcover
Author/Publisher: Holman Bible Staff
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Color-coding system along the bottom of every page
- 12 pages of color maps with an index
- All words spoken by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit underlined
From the publisher: “The NIV Rainbow Study Bible is the best-selling, fully color-coded Bible with over three million copies sold. It features a unique color-coding system that allows readers to identify twelve major themes of Scripture throughout the text: God, discipleship, love, faith, sin, evil, salvation, family, outreach, commandments, history, and prophecy. The system also underlines all words directly spoken by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Together, the unique organization allows you to find the passages meant for your situation—or that of those you care for—faster.”
NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Targeted book introductions that explain the context
- Verse-by-verse study notes
- 375 full-color photos, illustrations, and images from around the world
From the publisher: “The NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, with notes from Dr. John H. Walton (Wheaton College) in the Old Testament and Dr. Craig S. Keener (Asbury Theological Seminary) in the New Testament, brings the ancient world of Scripture to life for modern readers. Every page of this NIV Bible is packed with expert insight into the customs, culture, and literature of biblical times.”
NIV Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition, Personal Size
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 10,000 Life Application Notes
- 100 Life Application Profiles of key Bible people
- Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
From the publisher: “Now with a fresh two-color interior design and meaningfully updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers questions that you may have about the text and provides you practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your life every day. The Personal Size editions are for people who like to carry their study Bible with them.”
NIV, Teen Study Bible, Hardcover
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- We Believe features unpack the Apostles’ Creed
- Panorama features that keep the big picture of each book in view
- Topical indexes for in-depth Bible study
From the publisher: “The NIV Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all he has done, is doing, and will do in the world—and in their life. This NIV Bible for teens will also help them discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and apply them to the issues they face every day, including offering biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems like bullying and depression. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them and they are never alone.”
NIV, Holy Bible, Student Edition, Paperback
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Paperback
Key Features:
- Sectional headers and translator notes
- Plan of salvation
- Table of weights and measures
From the publisher: “Ideal for churches and ministries buying in bulk, the NIV Value Holy Bible Student Edition is a great witness tool to give to students looking to discover God’s Word. You can feel comfortable and confident handing this Bible to students interested in spiritual issues or who are open to talking about God. Features include the complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version with sectional headers and translators’ notes, plan of salvation, and table of weights and measures in a softcover binding. This low-cost Bible with extra help is perfect for anyone looking to distribute God’s Word to students.”
NIV, Quest Study Bible, Hardcover, Blue, Comfort Print: The Only Q and A Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 7,000 notes arranged in a question-and-answer format
- Nearly 350 articles that investigate common questions about the Bible
- Book introductions that answer questions about each Bible book
From the publisher: “The NIV Quest Study Bible features over 7,000 notes written in an engaging question and answer format that give insight into the common, uncommon and sometimes perplexing passages from the Bible. You will have the opportunity to consider questions like “Why did God send angels to Jacob?,” “What prevents God from hearing our prayers?,” and “Why does God test us?” as you explore God’s Word using the many study helps.”
NIV, Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Imitation leather
Additional colors: Imitation leather gray/pink
Key Features:
- More than 10,000 Life Application Notes
- Over 100 personality profiles
- Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
From the publisher: “Impacting more than 20 million lives over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible is the #1–selling study Bible of our generation. Now, it has been thoroughly updated and expanded to be even more helpful and relevant for your life and today’s world. With a fresh, new interior page design and comprehensively updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you better understand God’s Word and provide you with practical ways to apply it to your life every day. The Life Application Study Bible is a Bible for all times!”
Every Man’s Bible NIV, Large Print, TuTone – Study Bible for Men with Study Notes, Book Introductions, and 44 Charts
Author/Publisher: Stephen Arterburn
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- More than 10,000 Life Application Notes
- Over 100 personality profiles
- Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
From the publisher: “The Bible for every battle every man faces. This study Bible addresses spiritual and life issues from a male perspective, showing that Scripture is relevant in every stage of a man’s life, from early adulthood through the retirement years. Every Man’s Bible is filled with affirming, challenging, and uplifting features that will remind men that God has a place for them in his story and a plan for their lives.”
NIV, Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition, Large Print, Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Bonded leather
Key Features:
- More than 10,000 Life Application Notes
- Over 100 personality profiles
- Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
From the publisher: “Impacting more than 20 million lives over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible is the #1–selling study Bible of our generation. Now, it has been thoroughly updated and expanded to be even more helpful and relevant for your life and today’s world. With a fresh, new interior page design and comprehensively updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you better understand God’s Word and provide you with practical ways to apply it to your life every day. The Life Application Study Bible is a Bible for all times!”
NIV, Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition, Personal Size, Leathersoft, Gray/Teal, Red Letter
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- More than 10,000 Life Application Notes
- Over 100 personality profiles
- Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
From the publisher: “Impacting more than 20 million lives over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible is the #1–selling study Bible of our generation. Now, it has been thoroughly updated and expanded to be even more helpful and relevant for your life and today’s world. With a fresh, new interior page design and comprehensively updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you better understand God’s Word and provide you with practical ways to apply it to your life every day. The Life Application Study Bible is a Bible for all times!”
NIV, Starting Place Study Bible, Hardcover, Tan, Comfort Print: An Introductory Exploration of Studying God’s Word
Author/Publisher: Zondervan
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 282 Q&A notes
- 146 context notes
- 138 Bible Truths
From the publisher: “An introductory exploration into studying God’s word, the NIV Starting Place Study Bible includes approachable, easy to use features that will guide readers through Scripture while building their confidence and knowledge in the Scriptures. Featuring book introductions, context notes and character profiles, this is the perfect NIV study Bible for those beginning their Bible journey, and a great gift for new believers.”
The Best English Standard Version Study Bibles
Note: We only included the best ESV study Bibles with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 300 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
ESV Study Bible
Author/Publisher: ESV Bibles
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles
- Single-column Bible text (9-point type)
From the publisher: “The ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way. Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word. Features black letter text and Smyth-sewn binding.”
ESV Study Bible (TruTone, Forest/Tan, Trail Design)
Author/Publisher: ESV Bibles
Material: Imitation leather with premium goatskin cover
Key Features:
- Extensive study notes, charts, maps and articles
- Single-column Bible text (9-point type)
From the publisher: “The ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way. Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word. Features black letter text, Smyth-sewn binding, and a lifetime guarantee.”
ESV MacArthur Study Bible, Personal Size
Author/Publisher: ESV Bibles by Crossway, John MacArthur
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Nearly 25,000 explanatory notes from John MacArthur
- More than 140 two-color maps, charts, timelines, and illustrations
- Complete introductions to each Bible book
From the publisher: “The ESV MacArthur Study Bible, Personal Size retains all of the features of the original ESV MacArthur Study Bible, packaged in a convenient and portable format. The spiritual lives of men and women all over the world have been strengthened with the help of the MacArthur Study Bible. Nearly 25,000 study notes are featured below the full-length ESV Bible text, and are based on MacArthur’s verse-by-verse approach to the Bible. The MacArthur Study Bible, Personal Size is a portable but substantial Bible study tool, and will be a helpful resource for growing Christians.”
ESV Study Bible, Large Print (TruTone Mahogany, Trellis Design)
Author/Publisher: ESV Bibles
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- More than 20,000 study notes
- 80,000 cross-references
- Double-column Bible text (10.75-point type)
From the publisher: “The ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way. Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word. Features black letter text, Smyth-sewn binding, and a lifetime guarantee.”
ESV Student Study Bible (TruTone, Chestnut)
Author/Publisher: ESV Bibles
Material: Imitation leather
Additional colors: Hardcover gray, imitation leather timeless design navy/slate, imitation leather Celtic cross design olive
Key Features:
- 8-point Gotham-type study notes, nearly 900 Did You Know facts
- Glossary with concise definitions of key terms
From the publisher: “The ESV Student Study Bible is adapted from the ESV Study Bible and is ideally suited for students who are serious about God’s Word―who want to learn more about what the Bible teaches and how the Bible applies to all of life. With 12,000 clear, concise study notes, the ESV Student Study Bible provides numerous other features―including nearly 900 “Did You Know?” facts, 120 Bible character profiles, and 10 topical articles. It also features a glossary of key terms, more than 80 maps and illustrations, an extensive concordance, and 80,000 cross-references.”
ESV Study Bible, Personal Size (TruTone, Brown)
Author/Publisher: ESV Bibles
Material: Imitation leather
Additional colors: Imitation leather ornament design saddle
Key Features:
- More than 20,000 study notes
- 80,000 cross-references
- Single-column Bible text (7.7-point type)
From the publisher: “The ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way. Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word. Features black letter text, Smyth-sewn binding, and a lifetime guarantee.”
ESV Archaeology Study Bible
Author/Publisher: ESV Bibles
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 2,000 study notes
- 400 full-color photographs
- 200 maps and diagrams
From the publisher: “The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots the biblical text in its historical and cultural context, offering readers a framework for better understanding the people, places, and events recorded in Scripture. With editorial oversight from Dr. John Currid (PhD, University of Chicago) and Dr. David Chapman (PhD, University of Cambridge), as well as contributions from a team of field-trained archaeologists, the ESV Archaeology Study Bible assembles a range of modern scholarship.”
ESV Reformation Study Bible, Light Brown, Leather-Like
Author/Publisher: R.C. Sproul
Material: Imitation leather
Additional colors: Leather bound brick red
Key Features:
- Theological notes from general editor R.C. Sproul
- Commentary from 75 distinguished theologians
- Embedded maps for quick reference during reading
From the publisher: “The Reformation Study Bible has been thoroughly revised and carefully crafted under the editorial leadership of R.C. Sproul and the contributions of 75 distinguished theologians and pastors from around the world. Over 1.1 million words of new, expanded, or revised commentary represent 40% more content faithfully presented to emphasize the need for the grace of God to lead out of darkness and into the light of Scripture.”
The New Inductive Study Bible (ESV)
Author/Publisher: R.C. Sproul
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- A 32-page explanation of the inductive study method
- Four full-color pages with step-by-step instructions for studying
- Individualized instructions for every book of the Bible
From the publisher: “This edition of the Gold-Medallion-winning New Inductive Study Bible (over 700,000 sold) is now available in the trusted English Standard Version. This Bible is based entirely on the inductive study approach, leading readers directly back to the source and allowing God’s Word to become its own commentary. This Bible gives believers all the tools they need to discover the riches of God’s Word!”
The Best New Living Translation Study Bibles
Note: We only included the best NLT study Bibles (New Living Translation) with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 175 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
Every Man’s Bible: New Living Translation, Deluxe Explorer Edition
Author/Publisher: Stephen Arterburn
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Book introductions and 44 charts
- Men, Women, and God features that focus on important relationships
- Someone You Should Know profiles of men in the Bible
From the publisher: “This study Bible deals with sensitive topics men need to address, and it talks about struggles that many men confront. In this Bible for men, there are thousands of notes on topics ranging from work, intimacy, and competition to taking risks, managing money, and raising children. Every Man’s Bible provides useful insights on how to live a godly life as a man in all of the various roles that he takes on, written by the bestselling author of The Every Man Series, Stephen Arterburn.”
NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 10 chronological sections
- Section introductions and timelines
- Archaeological notes and photographs
From the publisher: “The stunning full-color Chronological Life Application Study Bible is a refreshing way to experience God’s Story and a trusted way to apply it to life. Journey through the 10 eras of Bible history in a chronological Bible experience and gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Includes Life Application notes and features from the best-selling Life Application Study Bible as well as new features on Bible history and geography.”
NLT Teen Life Application Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 1,504 pages of book introductions
- Study notes
- Real-life stories of teens
From the publisher: “Tyndale’s Teen Life Application Study Bible is here to help teens find relief, comfort and peace. The only teen Bible based on today’s #1-selling study Bible, the Teen Life Application Study Bible is packed full of notes and features designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s high school students. This New Living Translation Bible combines traditional study-Bible features like book introductions, notes, person profiles, and maps with application-oriented features focusing on choices, real-life issues, and stories of actual teens. This NLT Bible helps teens understand and apply God’s Word to all areas of their lives and encounter God in an authentic way.”
NLT Life Application Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 10,000 Life Application notes
- Over 100 Life Application profiles of key Bible people
- Introductions/overviews for each Book of the Bible
From the publisher: “Now thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights and spiritual guidance for applying God’s Word to everyday life in today’s world. With a fresh two-color interior design and meaningfully updated study notes and features, this NLT Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. This study Bible for women and men answers real-life questions and provides practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your life every day.”
NLT Girls Life Application Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 800 Life Application notes
- Interactive journaling
- 8 Foundations for Your Faith sections
From the publisher: “This New Living Translation Bible includes over 800 Life Application notes plus other features and Foundations for Your Faith sections all intended to help girls grow in their Christian faith. The eight full-color and fun sections are designed to help girls learn more about the Bible, understand the Bible’s big story, meet Jesus, know what it means to follow him, learn how to share their faith with others, and gain practical faith and relationship skills that will help them live out what they believe.”
NLT Red Letter Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 300 theme articles
- 25,000 study and textual notes
- More than 220 charts and illustrations
From the publisher: “Explore the Scriptures with almost 50 of today’s top evangelical scholars, including Daniel Block, Barry Beitzel, Tremper Longman, John N. Oswalt, Grant R. Osborne, Norman Ericson, and many more. Every feature in the NLT Study Bible has been created to do more than just impart information. Ask questions, and the NLT Study Bible gives you both the words and the world of the Bible. Seek deeper understanding, and find the meaning and significance of Scripture, not just facts. Knock on the door of God’s Word, and see what doors are opened to you.”
Illustrated Study Bible NLT
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Photos and illustrations
- Infographics
- Integrated full-color maps
From the publisher: “The Illustrated Study Bible brings Scripture’s message to life by giving readers an entirely new visual study experience. Hundreds of information-rich windows to the Bible world instantly communicate foundational truths and complex information in an understandable, compelling way for today’s visual generation. The Illustrated Study Bible empowers readers to draw closer to God by opening their eyes to Scripture’s living, powerful message.”
The Swindoll NLT Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Book introductions that answer key questions
- Application articles of important passages
- People profiles with lessons from key figures
From the publisher: “The Swindoll Study Bible offers the best of Chuck Swindoll’s wit, charm, pastoral insight, and wise biblical study directly to you as you study God’s Word. Chuck’s warm, personal style comes across on every page, and his informed, practical insights get straight to the heart of the Bible’s message for the world today. Reading each part of this NLT study Bible is like hearing Chuck speak God’s Word directly to your heart. It will both encourage readers’ faith and draw them deeper into the study of God’s Word.”
NLT Thinline Reference Holy Bible (Red Letter, Brushed Pink)
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Imitation leather
Key Features:
- Words of Jesus in red
- Thousands of cross-references
- Tyndale verse finder
From the publisher: “The new Tyndale classic NLT Thinline Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition has readable text, an attractive layout, and cross-references in a thin, easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price as basic text-only Bibles, the NLT Thinline Reference offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation (NLT) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app. This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.”
NLT Boys Life Application Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Foundations for Your Faith sections
- Interactive journaling
From the publisher: “This study bible is a must-have foundational resource for boys. The Boys Life Application Study Bible is filled with faith and character-building features that help boys understand the Christian faith so they can boldly live knowing the who, what, when, where, and why of the Bible. They will also learn who they are in Christ and their place in God’s story. The features meet them right where they are, offering wisdom and insight that speak directly into their lives. The full-color Foundations for Your Faith sections address a number of significant topics that parents prayerfully want their sons to know and understand during these formative years.”
NLT Parallel Study Bible, TuTone
Author/Publisher: Tyndale
Material: Imitation leather
From the publisher: “Now you don’t have to choose between context and application. Expository study notes help you understand the Bible like a 1st-century believer. Number one–selling Life Application notes help you apply its truths in a 21st-century world. This Bible recognizes that Bible application is best done with a thorough knowledge of historical and literary context. The NLT Study Bible is excellent at establishing this base. The Life Application Study Bible content can then guide the reader in concrete steps toward application.”
Africa Study Bible, NLT
Author/Publisher: Oasis International
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Over 2,600 notes that explain the Bible
- Touchpoints, Proverbs, and Stories for an African perspective
From the publisher: “The Africa Study Bible brings together 350 contributors from over 50 countries, providing a unique African perspective. It’s an all-in-one course in biblical content, theology, history, and culture, with special attention to the African context. Each feature was planned by African leaders to help readers grow strong in Jesus Christ by providing understanding and instruction on how to live a good and righteous life.”
The Best Christian Standard Study Bibles
Note: We only included the best CSB study Bibles (Christian Standard Bible) with a 4-star or better rating and a minimum of 175 reviews. Titles are organized by the total number of reviews at the time of our publication.
CSB Tony Evans Study Bible
Author/Publisher: Tony Evans
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- More than 150 videos of sermons
- Devotionals and teaching
- 40 inspirational articles
- 50 Kingdom Living Lessons
From the publisher: “The CSB Tony Evans Study Bible includes extensive study notes, commentary, sermons, and writings crafted and curated by Dr. Tony Evans. Including over 150 videos via QR code, these features are strategically placed alongside the biblical text to explain God’s Word in a fresh way, guiding readers into a deeper understanding of Scripture. With tools for application, this Bible is designed to inspire readers to live and share the values of the kingdom of God.”
The CSB Study Bible For Women
Author/Publisher: CSB Bibles by Holman
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Extensive collection of study notes
- More than 500-word studies
- 25 full-color maps and reconstructions
From the publisher: “The CSB Study Bible for Women is edited by Dr. Dorothy Kelley Patterson and Dr. Rhonda Harrington Kelley, both long-time women’s ministry leaders, authors and seminary professors at two of the nation’s most respected seminaries. As you learn from these women extensively educated in Biblical studies and languages and passionate about God’s Word, you will be equipped in turn to mentor others in the truth and hope found in Scripture.”
CSB Study Bible
Author/Publisher: CSB Bibles by Holman
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- 368-word studies
- High-quality smyth-sewn binding
- Full-color visuals
From the publisher: “To inspire you to grow in your understanding and love for God’s Word, the CSB Study Bible, includes an award-winning array of study resources including over 16,000 study notes, tools, and word studies—each tool presented on the same page as the verses it refers to. Whether you are preparing for future Bible studies or daily readings, this study Bible for men and women is the ideal resource for lifelong discipleship.”
CSB Apologetics Study Bible
Author/Publisher: CSB Bibles by Holman
Material: Hardcover
Key Features:
- Apologetics articles from leading influencers
- Twisted Scripture explanations
- Profiles of notable Christian apologists
From the publisher: “The CSB Apologetics Study Bible helps today’s Christians better understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in an age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism. This study Bible’s updated content includes new articles and extensive apologetics Bible study material, that can serve during your devotionals, from today’s leading apologists to provide deeper understanding of the relevant apologetics issues and questions of today.”
CSB Everyday Study Bible
Author/Publisher: CSB Bibles by Holman
Material: Paperback
Key Features:
- Presentation page
- Book introductions
- 99 Essential Truths of Christianity
From the publisher: “The CSB Everyday Study Bible is an accessible and easy-to-carry study Bible featuring concise study notes crafted from the award-winning Holman Study Bible, as well as features and foundational study helps to help in Christians to grow in their faith. This CSB Study Bible for men and women is a size that can be easily carried in a backpack, large purse, or briefcase to equip readers with a “go-anywhere,” everyday life study Bible to foster daily engagement with God’s Word. The CSB Everyday Study Bible is ideal for deep bible study, daily reading and to use with your devotionals.”
CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students
Author/Publisher: CSB Bibles by Holman
Material: Paperback
Key Features:
- Presentation page
- Book introductions
- Articles from popular youth leaders
From the publisher: “Now updated with even more material, the CSB Apologetics Study Bible for Students anchors young Christians in the truths of Scripture and equips them with thoughtful responses when the core issues of their faith are challenged. The resources in this student Bible were curated by general editor Dr. Sean McDowell, and the core materials in the Bible explore over 130 of the top questions students are asking today. This student study Bible is updated with new articles and extensive apologetics study material from today’s most popular youth leaders and apologists to reflect relevant apologetics issues and questions of today.”
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