The Bible Don’t Move: An Introduction to Bible Prophecy


Lord’s Library contributor Mike “M.G.” Ramey offers an introduction to Bible prophecy for your edification. The Bible don’t move; read on for more. Lord’s Library’s Ministry Leaders Series is a collection of contributed articles written by ministry leaders on key Christian topics.

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Matthew 24:44: “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”

A few years back, Hall of Fame baseball pitcher Satchel Paige was known for his skill in putting forth power-packed bits of wisdom in addition to his ability with a baseball. Out of the abundance of quotes attributed to him, one of my personal favorites has been the following: “Always throw strikes. Home plate don’t move.” 

The same wisdom may also be applied to the study of the Bible. Always stick with the Bible. The Bible don’t move.

Christians are duty-bound to not only know how to read and study our Bibles; we are commanded to apply the Scriptures in our lives. Line upon line, precept upon precept. Doctrine, holy songs, and proverbs. Psalms, the Gospel, and the epistles. Pick up the average newspaper or turn on your local news show and you can see the last days unfolding before your eyes. Pick up your King James Bible and turn to 2 Timothy Chapter 3 and you can see that God has provided for His people to understand what is happening in our current world and why.

There is a wealth of treasure within the covers of a Bible. Treasure that covers where man has come from, where he is in our modern era, and where and when man will ultimately face his maker, God himself.

Let me hasten to add a footnote. Only the spiritual man can receive the teachings of the Lord and understand them. The natural man or woman will look at the Scriptures as a mass of confusion. Only one who has had their life reborn by Jesus Christ, fueled by the Holy Ghost, and led in obedience to God’s Word will fully comprehend what God has for them through the study of Bible Prophecy.

A true study of Bible prophecy will provide that unction in our prayer lives, strengthen our individual Christian walk, and provide our churches with the troops ready to gather in the harvest for Jesus Christ.

The Gospel

An Introduction to Bible Prophecy

Man’s Doomsday Clock vs. God’s Prophetic Clock

Of course, man always ‘thinks’ he knows more than God. The world system through the mainstream media and entertainment industry have their own ‘prophetic teachings’ as to how the world will end, and the final disposition of man. Based upon much of the recent box office and TV fare of late, the world will either end in an explosion, a massive party, or through an alien invasion; and mankind will emerge from the ashes of destruction to pick up where he left off. Religion? That’s not in the Hollywood script.

While such fare may be mediocre entertainment, it also makes bad theology.

God has a prophetic clock, which clearly may be found in a study of the Scriptures. Man–again, in his haughtiness–has created the ‘Doomsday Clock’, a device invented by scientists in 1947 and is updated as needed to determine how much ‘time’ mankind has before the hands of the clock reach midnight, and the world disappears in a nuclear cloud, climate change catastrophe, or a combination of the two. One may find the history and background of the clock at It makes for fascinating reading and should lead the Christian to conclude that the brilliance of man pales in comparison to the pages of Scripture.

First Thing First: Start With the Right Bible

With a sizable number of Bible translations on the market right now, which Bible would be the right one for a Christian to use in studying Bible prophecy?

I would start with–and stick with–the King James Version. Many of the solid reference books on prophecy are ‘keyed’ to the King James and have stood the test of time.

If the truth be told, to use a more ‘modern’ translation is short-sighted at best. The individual will eventually have to come back to the KJV, as many modern versions have proven to be weak when it comes to the ‘nitty gritty’ details of the prophetic realm.

There are other details I’d like to add about the King James Version for consideration:

  • Origin & History: King James of England was used by God to authorize the translation of the available Scriptures of his day into a Bible that the common person could read. A host of scholars and experts took some four years to painstakingly go over the Greek and Hebrew texts. They avoided attempts by the Roman Catholic church to ‘water down’ the Gospel. All the translators put their lives on the line to get the job done. In 1611, the world was introduced to the King James Version. It stood alone as the Biblical standard for more than 260 years; well before the first ‘popular translation’ (RSV) arrived in 1881.
  • Linguistic Authority & Purity: Some might think this is a small point, but whenever the Scripture states: “Thus Saith the Lord” it does something to the spirit of the believer. It is written in the same King’s English language used by Shakespeare. One knows what happens when you try to ‘modernize’ the Bard. The same can be said for attempts to tamper with the KJV! Translations that have come since the KJV lose something when they use modern terminology, and eventually run back to the KJV for ‘clarification.’  Start with the ‘olde booke’, stay with the ‘olde booke.’
  • Its Ability to Stop Satan: Have you noticed that many weak and marginal Christians gravitate to the weaker translations? The KJV, when it is daily studied, daily searched, and daily heeded works like raid: it stops Satan cold.
  • For African Americans: An Unbreakable Tie To Ancestry & Our US History: Our foreparents had it right when they insisted on being taught how to read out of the Bible, rather than out of ‘just another reading book.’ This is why our foreparents were wise beyond their years! Though the penalty for teaching a black man or black woman how to read during the time of slavery was death, our foreparents risked death to learn about eternal life in the Scriptures. The KJV helps one properly reverence God, and God blesses them with wisdom and understanding beyond normal education standards. One major Christian book chain put out a comparison chart of the various Bible translations and versions on the market years ago. The KJV was held to give a person a reading comprehension level of someone above the twelfth grade and scored at the top of Bible translations.

3 Immediate Benefits of Studying Bible Prophecy

Here are three immediate benefits of studying Bible prophecy:

  1. Christians Will Be Readily Shakened From Their Apathy: One of the key facts of the Scriptures is that Jesus Christ is coming back. His imminent return is well documented in the Scriptures and is a central teaching of Bible prophecy. The Bible well documents the first coming of Jesus. There are many markers in the Bible that point to the Lord’s second coming. Further, there is no prophetic event that must occur before the rapture of the church takes place. See 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 below.
  2. Christians Will Desire To Return To A ‘Be About It’ Holiness: There is something about appearing before one’s boss for a performance evaluation that will tend to encourage even the most stubborn employee to straighten up. Christians will be brought before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give Him a direct account of our activities as Christians; to receive rewards for what we have accomplished for Him on earth, among other things. A clear teaching of this part of Bible Prophecy and the future of Christians (Saints) will serve to ‘spark’ some individual revival and holiness in Christian lives.
  3. Christians Will Want To Return To Real Soul Winning: Just a curious reading of the Book of Revelation concerning what will happen on earth after the removal of the church should paint such a panoramic view of stark terror (ie: the mark of the beast) that a Christian will a strong foundation in coming Biblical events would be more than motivated to share their faith with sinners and backsliders. After all, sheep win sheep, but only after they are sure that there is good pasture available.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

Why There is a Need to Understand Bible Prophecy

Mention the words ‘Bible prophecy’ to a group of Christians, and you will have a variety of reactions, ranging from apathy to extreme concern. This article seeks to provide a basic introduction to the subject to take some of the ‘perceived mystery’ out of it. Once some of the basic components, or tools involved with Bible prophecy are examined, it is hoped that the reader will be able to put this knowledge to use and continue their investigation into the subject.

Jesus, in Matthew 16:1-3, chided the Pharisees and Sadducees for being wise enough to understand certain truths about the weather, but remain blissfully ignorant of the signs of the times: “The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?”

Many Christians are the same way today; majoring in the minors and missing out on meaningful Biblical study and wisdom. While many hours of careful prayer, study, and research go into many of the lessons that are a part of a Sunday School lesson, or a Wednesday night Bible lesson, there seems to be little in the way of Christian growth by the average Christian. The Word of God seems to ‘bounce’ off and hit the ground unused, week after week. Meanwhile, many Christians expect the Pastor to have all the answers–when they themselves have not bothered to crack their own Bibles.

Bible prophecy can be one of the ways to ‘re-tool’ Christian education.

Baptists have long been mocked and held up to public ridicule by other denominations for being people of ‘the book’ (the KJV Bible). The belief that Bible prophecy is ‘too hard to comprehend’ because there is ‘too much work’ involved in its study is merely a clever means to duck to quality time with God’s Book.

Let the others mock and laugh To be identified as one who is committed to the study of God’s word is not a negative, but the mark of a wise soldier in the army of their Lord. If one daily continues in the Word, it will yield much fruit in terms of application and understanding in these last days.

If one yields themselves to the study of the prophetic works of the Bible, they won’t be ‘shook up’ when they see things unfolding in society that may confuse the natural man. Proverbs 22:3 and 27:12 both read: “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.”

Where We Are on God’s Prophetic Clock

Here are a few major roadmarks of prophecy that are active, and of major importance:

  1. Israel was born in one day as a nation on May 14th, 1948: Thus, we are closer to the end of the Church Age than ever before. Israel is the only nation that was created in one day, according to the Scriptures.
  2. Hostility towards Christians is increasing–even in the United States: From the political system, the media, the sports and entertainment cabal, and in the academic and business sectors. The common ‘mantra’ seems to be: “You can practice your religion but leave it at the church.”
  3. The rapture of the church can take place at any time: As I mentioned before, there is no ‘prophetic bar’ to its occurrence.
  4. The ‘explosion’ of knowledge via technology: In the late 1940s, television was just underway as a viable commercial product. In the late 1950s, satellites were being shot into space. Now look at where we are concerning technology. There is more information storage and computing power available in many a smartphone than in a middle-school library.

3 Main Views of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

There are three main views on the second coming of Jesus Christ of which the Christian must be aware. These three views: pre-millennial, a-millennial, and post-millennial, center upon Christ’s reign upon the earth for 1,000 years, or a millennium.

Millennium means a thousand years. While the word millennium itself does not appear in the Bible, it refers to the thousand years mentioned six times in Revelation, Chapter 20. If you understand the meaning behind the basic terminology, you will be able to accurately trace any of the sub-groups should they surface. The Millennial Kingdom: A Basic Text in Premillennial Theology by John E. Walvoord, provides extensive details on these three main views:

Pre-millennial View

This view is the oldest of the millennial views and is held to be more controversial than the other two. This system of interpretation of Scripture interprets prophecy in the same way as other Scripture. It does not separate the interpretation of prophetic and regular Scriptures. It holds to a literal interpretation method of Scripture.

In the ordering of events, the rapture of the church is placed before the Great Tribulation period, thus sparing the saints from the Wrath of God as He pours it out upon the earth. The rapture of the believers in Jesus Christ can happen at any time. There is no prophetic ‘trigger’ needed for it to occur. Since the event of the rapture of the saints is a key doctrine in the Baptist church, this is the millennial view of traditional Baptists.

A-millennial View  

This is believed to be the most popular millennial view. Its most general characteristic is that of a denial of a literal reign of Christ upon the earth. It does not recognize a literal interpretation of Scripture, does not hold to a clear view of the return of Jesus Christ to this earth, and does not hold to the rapture of the saints before the Wrath of God is poured out during the Great Tribulation period.

This view holds to the spiritualizing method of the interpretation of Scripture, which robs the second advent of its prophetic significance. This view is held in high esteem in the Roman Catholic Church and among those of a liberal Protestant theological view.

Post-millennial View

This viewpoint holds that the present age will end with a period of great spiritual blessing corresponding to the millennial promises accomplished through the preaching of the Gospel. Also, there is a belief in this view that the entire world would become ‘Christianized.’

This viewpoint has its roots in the Unitarian church movement, which places much emphasis upon the inherent ‘good’ of man being coupled with God’s Mercy to the extent of a lack of sin on man’s part and no true need of salvation under Jesus Christ’s sacrifice upon the cross.

It is also based upon the figurative interpretation of prophecy. Some Bible prophecy scholars believe that the post-millennial view is watered-down A-millennialism. In this view, Christians will go through the Great Tribulation period and will be hit by the rapture towards the end of the Great Tribulation.

What About Israel & Replacement Theology?

One of the other hot-button issues of Bible prophecy concerns the nation of Israel and its fate in the last days. Some believe that the church has ‘replaced’ Israel in the eyes of God, and ‘no longer is important’ to Him.

This could not be further from the truth.

The Apostle Paul, who was a Jew, and wrote nearly half of the New Testament, through the mercies of God, was the Apostle to the Gentiles. He notes in Romans, Chapter 11 how the mercies of God have ‘grafted’ Gentiles into the vine of blessing by Jesus Christ. See Romans 11:11-14, 17, 19, 23-24:

  • Romans 11:11-14: “I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fullness? For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.”
  • Romans 11:17: “And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;”
  • Romans 11:19: “Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.”
  • Romans 11:23-24: “And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again. For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree?”

We were first called Christians at Antioch. It was his call to bring believers ‘into the beloved.’ Just as the Lord protects Christians, He still protects Israel and the Jews. Paul makes this fact clear in Romans 11 and in other segments of the New Testament.

God has not forgotten Israel. God has not replaced Israel with the church. Israel has always been the apple of God’s eye. The Jewish people have always been under God’s protection. Bible history records that those who have sought their hurt, either as individuals; a group, or a nation need merely to turn to the tragic ends of Pharaoh, Haman, and other Old Testament and New Testament figures who sought to exterminate them.

Their endings were not pretty.

What about our modern day? Recent world history illustrates what was done to the Jews in the Holocaust during World War II at the hands of the Nazi Reich plays a major role in current events as to the downward spiral of modern Germany. See Genesis 12:3: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

This Word from the Lord is just as living as when it was first impressed upon Moses by the Holy Ghost, centuries ago.

Germany is not the only nation that has suffered from God’s wrath because of its treatment of the Jewish people. In a quick examination of various nations, Egypt, the UK, France, the former Soviet Union, and the United States–among others–have all suffered various judgments from the hand of God based upon their treatment of Israel and the Jewish people. There will be a day of reckoning before the Lord as to how nations treated the tiny land of Israel. That day is not that far off.

Currently, governments, universities, members of the European Union, and even the United Nations are being swept with another ‘lie’ from the pit of Hell against God’s people called the BDS movement. BDS stands for ‘Boycott, Divest and Sanction’ and is being used by some to ‘bully’ other institutions to dump their association with and purchase of goods and services associated with the nation of Israel.

Again, examine your Bible and Genesis 12:3. What is happening to those who are staking their economic claims against Israel and her people? The Bible tells you so!

An Additional Blessing of Studying Bible Prophecy

As I bring this article to a close, there is yet another additional blessing of studying Bible prophecy: having a solid answer to false prophets and false religious groups. One might say that this is an extra arrow in the quiver of the Christian soul winner; however, the argument could be made for following the command of the Apostle Peter to have an answer to those who ask you about the hope that you display in your daily life.

See 1 Peter 3:15: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”

Other religions can only ‘guess’ as to where they will spend eternity. We who believe have hope and assurance as to where we are going. Liftoff can happen off this pad called earth, at any moment.

Satchel Paige had no ‘guarantee’ that he would ever be thought of as a major leaguer, but he kept on throwing strikes wherever and whenever he had the opportunity to play the game of baseball. Home plate never moved. Christians should be of the same determined spirit by examining the wealth and treasures of the world to come with an examination of Bible prophecy in the pulpit; and the pew. We who are saved have an eternal hope and an eternal destination that is not going to move. We should be about our father’s business and take as many along with us as we can.

An Introduction to Bible Prophecy: Recommended Readings

The following titles are keyed to the King James Version of the Bible:

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Mike Ramey

Mike Ramey

Ramey is an Ordained Minister (Retired) and a KJV Bible Prophecy Specialist. Ramey is married and has also served with several International anti-gang ministries. Ramey’s skills include serving as a veteran substitute teacher (Secondary Education) in three Indianapolis school districts, a college instructor for two Bible colleges in the Indianapolis, Indiana area; a Probation Officer with the Marion County Juvenile Court, and a Peer Grant reviewer of anti-gang grant programs with the U.S. Department of Justice.

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